1896 ARTICLE 7.
ings in a well bound book; and all ordinances passed by the Burgess and
Commissioners and intended to take effect and operate as local laws in
and for the town, shall be signed by the Burgess and attested by the
clerk; and the said book shall at any time be subject to inspection by
any person interested therein; and copies of all ordinances as aforesaid,
signed by the Burgess and attested by the clerk, shall be posted up in
not less than two public places in the said town before said ordinances
shall go into effect and be in force.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 206. 1876, ch. 303.
514. All property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of
the town, except such as may be occupied for churches and schools, shall
be subject to such taxes and charges as may be deemed necessary by the
Burgess and Commissioners to support, maintain and defray the costs,
charges and expenses which may at any time be incurred in the improve-
ment of the town, or for other corporate purposes, not exceeding twenty
cents on the hundred dollars of the assessed value of all houses and lands;
and no land within the corporate limits of Uniontown, not fronting on
any street, shall be taxed on more than one acre thereof, and the value
of improvements on such land; provided, that the general assessment for
the State and county purposes shall be taken as the basis for the first
collection, but the Burgess and Commissioners may at any time thereafter
authorize and cause an assessment to be fairly made, and from time to
time in such manner as they shall provide by an ordinance therefor.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 207. 1876, ch. 303.
515. The Burgess and Commissioners shall provide for levying and
collecting an annual tax on dogs and bitches, not less than fifty cents
nor more than one dollar for every dog, and not less than three dollars
nor more than five dollars for every bitch belonging to or kept by any
of the inhabitants of the town therein or within the corporate limits, to
be paid by the owner or keeper thereof, as other town taxes are, and may
authorize and compel the bailiff or constable to kill any dog or bitch found
running at large within the town or corporate limits, whose owner can-
not be ascertained, or, who being known, shall neglect or refuse to pay
the taxes imposed by this section.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 208. 1876, ch. 303.
516. They shall annually appoint a treasurer, being one of the said
Commissioners, or otherwise, who shall have power to collect said taxes,
and to distrain therefor if the same are not paid, by the authority of the
Burgess and Commissioners, in the same manner that the collector of
the county assessment, by the authority of the County Commissioners,
has to distrain for county taxes assessed and unpaid; provided, that the
said treasurer shall not be required to call personally on the taxpayers
to collect said taxes, but shall give public notice of the time where said
taxes are due and payable, and the place in the town when they can be