1894 ARTICLE 7.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 16.
504. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of their in-
consistency, provided that nothing herein contained shall be taken as
affecting Chapter 810 of the Acts of the Maryland Legislature of 1914,
nor as restricting any control which the State Board of Health of Mary-
land is empowered to exercise within the corporate limits of the town of
Union Bridge.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 17.
505. At the next regular election of the Mayor and Common Council
of Union Bridge there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Union
Bridge the question whether bonds shall be issued for said sewerage system
in Union Bridge, and at such election the ballots cast upon such question
shall have the words "For Bond Issue for Sewerage System," and "Against
Bond Issue for Sewerage System" thereon, and if a majority of the votes
cast upon said question shall be "For Bond Issue for Sewerage System,"
then the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge or a majority of
them, shall proceed to execute the power-vested in them by this Act, but
if a majority of the votes cast shall be "Against the Bond Issue for
Sewerage System," then this Act shall be of no effect, provided, how-
ever, that the same question shall be voted upon in the same manner at
each succeeding municipal and general election until such time as it shall
be passed upon favorably, at which time the provisions of this Act shall
become immediately effective.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 198. 1876, ch. 303.
506. The citizens and inhabitants of the town of Uniontown, in Car-
roll County, are a body corporate, by the name of "The Burgess and
Commissioners of the Town of Uniontown," and by that name shall be
capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court
of law or equity, and shall have perpetual succession, and may make
all by-laws necessary for the purposes mentioned in this sub-title of this
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 199. 1876, ch. 303.
507. The corporate bounds and limits of the town of Uniontown shall
be described as follows: Commencing at the alley or lane west of Mt.
Joy meeting-house (colored), at the west end of Uniontown, running
south fifty-five perches, then parallel with the main street of said town to
the county road, at the east end of said town, leading from Uniontown
Turnpike to Wakefield, then due north one hundred and five perches,
then with a straight line to the southwest corner of J. C. Brubaker's
*This Act was submitted and rejected by the voters of the town, but since it
may again be submitted it has been codified.