1890 ARTICLE 7.
sewers shall be determined from time to time by the Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge as costs and conditions require. Said benefit
charges shall be paid annually beginning in the year such construction
is begun, by all properties located as above specified, for a period of years
co-extensive with the period of maturity of the bonds out of the proceeds
of which such construction was done; provided, however, that any owner
of property in the subdivision or business or industrial class may, at his
option, extinguish at any time said benefit charge by the payment, in
cash, of an amount which if put at interest at 3 1/2 per cent., compounded
semi-annually, would yield an annuity equal to the annual assessment for
the period for which the bonds have, at the time the option is exercised,
still to run. The Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge shall
at any time permit a connection with a sewer by a property owner whose
property does not about on said sewer, and who has not previous thereto
paid a benefit for the construction of said sewer, provided the said Mayor
and Common Council of Union Bridge shall first determine the classifica-
tion of said property, and a front foot charge to be paid by said prop-
erty owner as though his property abutted on said sewer; and in the event
of such connection being made, said property owner and said property
as to all charges, rates and benefits, shall in every respect stand in the
same position as if the said property abutted upon a sewer. The annual
benefit charges as above specified shall be a first lien upon the property
against which they are assessed, subject only to prior State, county and
municipal charges, and shall be enforced by a judgment upon complaint
of the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge before any justice
of the peace or the Circuit Court of Carroll County, and usual execution
thereon. No such annual benefit charge shall continue as a lien for a
period longer than two years from the date from which the same became in
default, unless it is reduced to a judgment and duly recorded among the
records of the office of the Clerk of Carroll County. Said benefit charge
shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge immediately upon being levied, and shall be in
default after sixty days from that date; and said levy, and any judgment
obtained as a result of the default of the payment thereof, shall bear
interest at the rate of 1 per cent, a month from and after the time said
levy is in default.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 1.
495. Said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge shall pro-
vide for each and every propertv abutting upon a street or right of way
in which, under this Act, a sewer is laid a sewer connection which shall
be extended, as required, from the sewer to the property line of the
abutting lot, said connection to be constructed by, and at the sole expense
of said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge. When any sewer
is declared by said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge com-
plete and ready for the reception of sewage, every abutting property
owner, after due notice, shall make connection of all toilets and waste