and in that case the Mayor and Common Council shall submit the matter
as expressed in the petition to the qualified voters of the town. After giv-
ing at least ten days' notice of said election, when if it shall appear that a
majority of the legal and qualified voters voting at said election are in favor
of so extending the limits of the town as to take into the corporate bounds
thereof the lands so petitioned for, as above provided, then the Mayor
and Common Council shall cause a survey and plat of said lands, lots,
streets and alleys to be made, and shall have the same recorded in the
office of the clerk of the Circuit Court for Carroll County, as an addi-
tion to the corporate limits of the town and the said lands, lots, streets
and alleys and the inhabitants thereof, so embraced within the corporate
limits of the town, shall be subject to all its laws and ordinances.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 197E
485. All laws now in force relating or applicable to the Mayor and
Common Council of Union Bridge, or the town of Union Bridge, and not
included in this Act, and not inconsistent with this Act, and all ordi-
nances of the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge now in force
and not inconsistent with this Act, are hereby continued until changed
or repealed, respectively, by the General Assembly of Maryland, or the
Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 197C
486. All officers provided for or named in this said Act, whether by
election or appointment, shall continue to hold, exercise or discharge the
duties of their respective offices until they shall be superseded under the
provisions of this Act, and until their successors shall be duly qualified,
and nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to interfere with the
continuity of the terms or tenure of any of said officers, nor shall a re-
appointment or re-election of any of said officers be necessary in order
to secure the said continuity of their said terms and tenure of office,
unless otherwise provided in this said Act.
1920, ch. 241.
487. The Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge, a municipal
corporation, is hereby authorized to sell at public or private sale, all
that lot of land improved by a Town Hall located in the town of Union
Bridge, which was conveyed to it by William L. Fink and wife, by deed
dated May 14, 1883, and recorded among the Land Records of Carroll
County in Liber F. T. S. No. 59, folio 333, save that portion thereof
conveyed by the said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge to
Henry Shriver, by deed dated April 23, 1885, and recorded among the
Land" Records of Carroll County in Liber F. T. S. No. 62, folio 477,
which was acquired by the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge