1886 ARTICLE 7.
in pursuance of Chapter 29 of the Acts of 1884, provided the said Mayor
and Common Council of Union Bridge shall not sell said property for
less amount than in their judgment is a reasonable price therefor. And
the said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge, in the event of
any such sale being made, are hereby authorized to convey all the right,
title and interest of the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge
in and to said entire lot of ground and improvements to the purchaser by
deed by the said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge.
The Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge is hereby author-
ized and directed to apply the proceeds, derived from the sale of the afore-
said lot of land and improvements, to the liquidation or redemption of any
outstanding bonds issued in pursuance of said Chapter 29 of the Acts
of 1884, or any of those bonds issued in pursuance of Chapter 20 of the
Acts of 1900.
1898, ch. 7.
488. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Carroll
County to pay annually to the Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge, Carroll County, Maryland, one-half of the amount of taxes, levied
and collected annually by said County Commissioners, for road purposes
upon the assessable property, liable to taxation within the corporate limits
of the town of Union Bridge, to be appropriated and used by the said
Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge for the repair and mainte-
nance and improvement of the streets, roads and alleys within the corporate
limits of said town.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 1.
489. The Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge are hereby
authorized and empowered to build and construct a sewerage system for the
town of Union Bridge, Carroll County, State of Maryland, including a
sewage disposal plant to be erected in said town or in the suburbs thereof,
and to run and operate the same for municipal and commercial purposes,
and for the purpose of acquiring, by purchase or condemnation, whatever
property or rights of way, and for doing whatever work is necessary there-
for, the said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge are authorized
and empowered to borrow money on the faith and credit of said town not to
exceed in the aggregate the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, and to
issue bonds therefor, to be known as the "Union Bridge Sewerage Bonds,"
said bonds to be signed by the Mayor of said Union Bridge, and to be coun-
tersigned by the Clerk to the said Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge, with their official seal affixed thereto.
1920, ch, 158, sec. 2.
490. The said bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the
Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge deem best, with coupons.