1884 ARTICL.E 7.
such violations, or may, at their option, confine such person in the county
jail at the expense of said town, or they may require such person in de-
fault in the payment of fines to work out such fines and costs upon the
streets or other improvements of said town, such persons to be allowed
as a credit on such fines and costs the same wages as are paid other
employees of said city for the same work.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 195A.
480. All fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by this charter, or
for the violation of any ordinance of said town, shall be recoverable in
the name of the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge before
such justice of the peace of the State of Maryland residing in said town,
as may be elected as police magistrate for said town by said Mayor and
Common Council and no other as small debts, and shall be paid to the
Mayor and Common Council for the use of said town.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 196.
481. Said Mayor and Common Council shall have the power to make
contracts exempting from city taxation the real and personal property or
capital stock of any manufacturing company or enterprise desiring to
locate in said town, and as an inducement to the same to locate therein;
provided, that such contract to exempt the same shall be limited as to
time, and shall not exceed ten years.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 196A.
482. The Mayor of the town, by virtue of his office for municipal pur-
poses and preserving the peace, shall have all the powers of a justice of
the peace.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 197.
483. Whenever any person owning land adjacent to the corporate
limits of the town shall desire that said limits be so extended as to em-
brace his lands, he shall express the same to the Mayor and Common
Council to the said town by petition, and if any of the said land is laid
off in lots, streets and alleys, a majority of those persons owning said
lots, bounding on one or more streets, may express by petition to the
Mayor and Common Council as aforesaid their desire to have said lots,
streets and alleys, embraced in the corporate limits of the town.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 197A.
484. In the event of such petition being made to the Mayor and Com-
mon Council by any person, as provided for in the above section, then