street or alley, or parts thereof, in said town, cause the same to be graded,
paved, sewered, or otherwise improved, and levy the expenses thereof on
the property owner thereof, agreeably to the extent of such lots thereon,
and collect the expense thereof of grading, paving, sewering, or otherwise
improving the same, as directed in the next succeeding section.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 192.
476. Whenever the Mayor and Common Council shall levy any sum
of money on the owners of property in said city for grading, paving,
sewering, or otherwise improving the streets, lanes or alleys in said city,
or any of them, the sum so levied shall be a lien on said property; pro-
vided, said Mayor and Common Council shall within sixty days after the
completion of such grading, paving, sewering, or other improving, cause
to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Carroll County a state-
ment showing the whole amount expended in such grading, paving, sewer-
ing or other improving, and the names of the persons among whom the
said sum has been apportioned, and the amount apportioned to each, and
a general description of the land owned by each of said parties, upon
which said sums are intended to operate as a lien, and said statement shall
constitute a lien on. said property for the space of three years and no
longer, unless the same shall be revived, or enforced by scire facias.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 193.
477. No street shall be graded, nor shall any grade be established for
any street, nor shall grade be changed or altered upon any street or part
of a street in said city; nor shall any repairs be made upon any street,
or part of a street, therein affecting the existing grade thereof, except
under the supervision of the street committee, and upon plans made by
them, which plans, however, the Common Council may change or modify
if objected to by any party in interest.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 194.
478. The Mayor and each member of the Common Council during the
whole term for which they are elected shall be possessed of all the qualifi-
cations rendering them eligible to be elected, and if any one of them dur-
ing the term for which he was elected shall fail to retain all the qualifica-
tions necessary to render him eligible to election, he shall forfeit such
office, and the vacancy shall be filled as hereinbefore provided.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 195.
479. Said Mayor and Common Council may establish and maintain
a town prison, and may confine therein all persons convicted of violations
of their ordinances in default of the payment of the fines imposed for