1882 ARTICLE 7.
widened, straightened or relocated, and to enact all ordinances, from
time to time, necessary or proper to the exercise of the powers granted
in this section; provided that before they shall proceed to execute any
of the powers vested in them by this section, at least thirty days' no-
tice shall be given of any application which may be made for the pas-
sage of any such ordinances by posters put up in at least five of the most
public places; and, provided further, that upon the return of any assess-
ment of damages or benefits, or both, made under any ordinances passed
under this section, the clerk of said town shall cause a copy thereof to be
published once a week, for four successive weeks, in one newspaper printed
in said town; and, provided further, that whenever said Mayor and Com-
mon Council open, lay out, extend, widen, straighten or relocate any street
or alley, or any part or parts thereof, they shall establish the grade there-
of, and if, in their judgment proper so to do, they shall grade the same.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 190.
474. Any person who shall feel aggrieved by the decision of the Com-
missioners appointed to lay out such streets, as to the amount of damages
allowed him, or benefits assessed against him, may appeal therefrom at
any time within thirty days after said Commissioners shall have made
their return to the Circuit Court for Carroll County, which said appeal
shall be taken by filing written notice thereof with the Clerk of the Com-
mon Council, who shall thereupon, without unnecessary delay, transmit
to said Circuit Court a record of the proceedings of said Mayor and Com-
mon Council and of said Street Commissioners in said matter, and said
appeal shall be docketed upon the trial docket of the next succeeding term
of said Circuit Court; the party taking said appeal to be docketed as
plaintiff, and said Mayor and Common Council as defendant, and said
party appellant shall thereupon be entitled to a jury trial, to assess the
amount of damages payable to or amount of benefits chargeable against
him, as the case may be, and the amount assessed as such damages or
Benefits by said jury shall stand in the; place and stead of the assessment
thereof by said Commissioners, and upon said appeal it shall be compe-
tent for the court to quash the proceedings upon the motion of the appel-
lant for errors or omissions rendering the same fatally defective; and upon
the trial of said cause in said Circuit Court, either may take bills of
exceptions to any rulings of said court upon matters of law arising in
the progress of such trial, and either party may appeal to the Court of
Appeals of this State from any such rulings, or from the actions of said
court in quashing or refusing to quash such proceeding.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 191.
475. The Mayor and Common Council may, when requested in writ-
ing by the owners of a majority of the front feet of the property on any