1878 ARTICL3 7.
land-bills, dirty liquids or any other material into any street, alley or
public place; to regulate and prevent the use of streets, sidewalks and
public places for signs, sign-posts, awnings, awning-posts, poles, horse-
troughs, railings, entrances, racks, posting hand-bills and advertisements,
and display of goods, ware and merchandise; to remove all nuisance and
obstructions from the streets, lanes and alleys, and from any lots adjoining
thereto, or any other place within the limits of the town; to cause the
streets, lanes and alleys to be sidewalked, paved, graded, repaired, repaved,
regraded, drained or sewered, or to close streets or parts of streets, lanes or
alleys; provided, they shall not have power to close any public street or
alley or parts thereof, without first submitting the question to the voters of
said town after twenty days' public notice by hand-bills or otherwise, and
two-thirds of the legal votes cast upon such question being in favor thereof.
1900, ch. 206, siec. 181B.
463. To regulate and license the use of coaches, hacks, drays, and all
other vehicles for the transportation of "passengers, freight or other articles
to or from points within said town for hire or pay; to regulate, license, tax,
restrain or prohibit theatrical or all other exhibitions, shows or entertain-
ments for which money is demanded or received; provided, that lectures on
scientific, historic, benevolent, artistic, religious or literary subjects and
apparatus for the elucidation of the same and specimens of fine art shall
not be deemed to be within the provision; to regulate the sales of all kinds
of property at auction in the streets, stores, shops, or elsewhere in the city,
and to license auctioneers and all vendors of property on the streets or
squares or other public places in said town; to license, tax, regulate, sup-
press and prohibit hawkers and itinerant dealers, peddlers and pawn-
brokers, and to revoke such license at pleasure; to license, tax and regulate
public hackmen, draymen, omnibus drivers, carters, cabmen, porters, ex-
pressmen, bill posters and all other persons pursuing like occupations, and
to prescribe their compensation; to license, tax and regulate all inns,
taverns, livery and sales stables, hotels, restaurants or other places used or
kept for public entertainment; to license, tax and regulate the selling or
giving away of any spirituous or vinous or malt liquors, and to license all
places where such liquors or either of them are to be used on the premises,
whether given away or sold, and all such last-named places shall pay a
license fee not to exceed fifty dollars per year to said town; to tax, license
and regulate second-hand and junk-stores, and to forbid their purchasing
or receiving from minors any article whatever without the consent of their
parents or guardians; to license, tax, regulate and prohibit the keeping or
larboring of dogs; to license, tax and regulate wheeled vehicles; provided,
that the funds derived from all license shall be applied only to the mainte-
nance and repair of streets and alleys; to license, tax and regulate branch
stores or establishments and all other concerns established in said city for
temporary business only; to license and tax fire insurance companies; pro-
vided, that all fire insurance companies doing business in the town of Union