youth of said city from being on the streets, lanes or alleys at unreason-
able hours of the night; to restrain and prohibit gambling; to punish and
suppress tramps and vagrants by imposing fines, or both fine and im-
prisonment at hard labor, and to abate by appropriate ordinances all
nuisances in said city which are so defined at common law or by statute,
whether the same are herein specifically named or not.
1910, ch. 32 (p. 705).
461. The Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Union Bridge,
Carroll County, Maryland, shall also have full power and authority to
authorize and permit and by an ordinance grant to any electric or steam
railroad company or telehopne or telegraph company, person or persons,
firm or body corporate, whose road or line enters or is intended to enter the
limits of the corporation of the said town of Union Bridge, Carroll County,
Maryland, the right and privilege of laying down, constructing and repair-
ing its, his or their tracks or lines and of building, repairing and grading
its, his or their tracks or lines, and of building, repairing and grading
its, his or their road or lines through or over any streets, lane and alleys of
said town of Union Bridge, subject to such regulations as may be provided
by ordinance. Every such grant shall specifically set forth and define its
nature, extent and duration of the franchise or right, shall make provision
by way of forfeiture or otherwise of the grant for the purpose of compelling
compliance with the terms of the grant, and to secure efficiency of public
service at reasonable rates and the maintenance of the property in good
condition throughout the full term of the grant, and for the purpose of
carrying out all the foregoing powers they may pass all ordinances from,
time to time necessary, and to insure the observance of said ordinances.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 181A.
462. To prevent immoderate or careless driving or riding; to regu-
late the use of streets or alleys by vehicles, and designate the kind of con-
veyances and vehicles which may not use designated streets, which have
been improved, together with hours for the use of such streets by certain
specified class of vehicles; to prevent the encumbering of streets, alleys,
squares, sidewalks and crossings with vehicles, horses or any substance
or material interferring with the free use of the same; to regulate the speed
uf horses and wheeled vehicles; to regulate and protect all bridges, culverts,
tunnels, viaducts, aqueducts, sewers, canals and hydrants wholly or par-
tially in said town, and to prohibit digging in such streets, alleys or public
places, or in any way injuring, disturbing or making holes in the surface
thereof; to regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures in, under or
above the same, and to require the owner or occupant of premises to keep
the sidewalks in front of the same free from snow and other obstructions,
and prescribe hours for cleaning the same; to regulate and prevent the-
throwing or depositing of sweepings, dust, ashes, offal, dirt, garbage, paper,.