1832 ARTICLE 7.
1er and things as they may deem advisable to secure and enforce a prac-
tical and efficient system for the building, upkeep, work and repair of
the roads and bridges of Carroll County.
1927, ch. 2712, sec. 1.
336. The use of the public roads and highways located within Car-
roll County, other than highways under the control of the State Roads
Commission, by vehicles having a gross weight, including the weight of
the vehicle and load, of more than 10,000 pounds, is hereby prohibited
unless such roads or highways be frozen at the time of such use, between
January 1st and April 15th in each year, and at such other times as the
County Commissioners, Road Engineer or other agency of Carroll County
having supervision and control of the highways of such county may deem
necessary, provided, at such times other than between January 1st and
April 15th of each year notices shall be posted along such highway of the
limitations of its use.
1927, ch. 272, sec. 2.
337. The provisions of Section 336 shall not apply to vehicles run
upon rails or tracks or to police vehicles, fire engines or fire trucks.
1927, ch. 272, sec. 3.
338. Any one violating the provisions of this Act shall, upon convic-
tion before a justice of the peace, or other tribunal having criminal juris-
diction, pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, together with costs
of prosecution, and the vehicle operated by such person shall be held as
security for the payment of such fine and costs and such person, shall
stand committed to the county jail until such fine and costs are paid.
1900, ch. 58, sec. 1.
339. The Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County shall
erect and maintain boards, so painted with letters and figures as to indi-
cate the direction of and distance to the nearest city, town, village, post-
office, turnpike or main road in said county, said boards shall be placed
at the intersection of all county roads in said county, and in a conspicuous
place upon substantial posts, said boards shall be not less than six inches
broad and not less than two feet long.
1900, ch. 58, sec. 2.
340. After the erection of said boards they shall be repaired, renewed
and maintained by the Road Commissioners in the respective districts in
said county from the fund collected for roads in said districts.