viction thereof by any justice of the peace exercising criminal jurisdiction
in Carroll County, or by the Circuit Court thereof upon indictment, shall
be fined in. an amount not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars
for each offense, and the corporation shall also be liable for each such vio-
lation to a like penalty. All persons arrested under this section shall have
the right to elect that his case be sent to the Circuit Court for trial by
jury; the fines collected under this section shall be paid into the general
road fund of the county, and it shall be the duty of all peace officers and
all road officials of the county to enforce the provisions of this Act.
Carroll Co. v. Rickell, 146 Md. 464.
1906, ch. 365, sec. 2.
333. All local laws of Carroll County inconsistent with this Act are
hereby repealed except such as relate to the payment of a portion of the
special road tax to incorporated towns.
1906, ch. 365, sec. 3.
334. Nothing in this Act shall be construed or considered in abridge-
ment of the powers over roads, drains and bridges given by. the general
laws of this State to County Commissioners except where the same is in
express conflict with the provisions of this Act.
1920, ch. 475.
335. The County Commissioners of Carroll County are hereby au-
thorized and empowered to employ a road engineer or supervisor who
shall have supervision of all work done on county roads and bridges and
inspect all other road or bridge work in which Carroll County is finan-
cially interested, and be paid such sum of money for his services as the
County Commissioners may deem proper. He shall be a practical road
builder, not necessarily a graduate engineer of a technical college or school,
and it shall be his duty to supervise and direct the work of the Road Com-
missioners of the various road districts of the county, and examine, in-
spect and observe the work on all other roads or bridges in which the
county is financially interested, and perform all other work in reference
to roads and bridges, or matters pertaining to road or bridge work, as the
County Commissioners may demand. No bill against the county for road
or bridge work shall hereafter be paid by the County Commissioners until
first approved by him.
In order that system and economy may be achieved in the repair and
improvement of the county roads, the County Commissioners of Carroll
County may, in their discretion, at any time hereafter dispense with the
services of the Commissioner of any road district, or the Commissioners
in all road districts, and work, repair, keep up and improve the county
roads, under the direct control and supervision of said engineer; and in
order to put into effect any such system, may purchase road machinery,
horses, carts or other implements or property necessary to work and im-
prove the roads and build bridges and culverts, and do all such other mat-