1830 ARTICLE 7.
that the same without objection will be confirmed at the expiration of
twenty days.
1906, ch. 365, sec. 138B.
330. After the expiration of twenty days from the returns of the sur-
veyor, the County Commissioners, if no objections be made, or after
hearing or considering any objection that may be made, shall proceed to
pass judgment thereon and affirm or reject the same, or order it to be
amended in their discretion, and may continue over their proceedings to
their next meeting, and so from time to time so long as they shall in
their judgment think such continuance necessary for the purpose of jus-
tice; and the final judgment of said County Commissioners, or the judg-
ment of the Circuit Court, in the event of an appeal by any person inter-
ested in relation to such road, and the plat thereof as confirmed by said
judgment, shall be recorded among the proceedings of the County Com-
missioners in a separate book, to be by them provided for that purpose;
the re-survey of such road as established and confirmed by the judgment
of the County Commissioners or of the Circuit Court in the event of an
appeal, or certified copies of the record thereof, shall be taken and received
as full and sufficient evidence of the true location of such roads in all
the courts of this State.
1906, ch. 365, sec. 138C.
331. It shall not be lawful for any person in Carroll County to erect
buildings or to fence in gardens or burial grounds, obstructing any con-
templated county road when said road has been petitioned for by citizens
of Carroll County, until the application has been refused by the County
1906, ch. 365, sec. 138D.
332. It shall not be lawful for any person to place any obstruction
upon any of the public highways, roads, bridges or alleys of Carroll Coun-
ty, or to interfere with or obstruct the ditches or drains thereof, or en-
croach upon said highways, roads and alleys with fences, buildings or
anything else which would tend to interfere with travel thereon; nor shall
it be lawful for any person or corporation, its officers, agents or employees
engaged in the business of a common carrier, to suffer or permit his or
its engines, tenders or cars or portion thereof to stand on or obstruct any
street or highway in Carroll County where it crosses a railroad for a
longer period than five minutes at any one time or in shutting to obstruct
public traffic over a street or highway for a longer period than five min-
utes at any one time; any person or corporation violating the provisions
of this section, or any of its officers, agents or employees, who have under
or subject to his or their control, management or direction any such ve-
hicle, engine, tender or car which, or any portion of which, is allowed to
stand on said street or highway or obstruct traffic longer than the time
allowed by this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-