pass each other. Before making any permanent or special improvement
costing one thousand dollars or over a mile, to any of said main roads
they shall consult with the Highway Commission of Maryland as to the
most approved method of making the same, and may employ a road engi-
neer to lay out and superintend the work. They may purchase all ma-
chinery, appliances and material necessary to make said special or perma-
nent improvement or repairs; and in all cases where any such permanent
improvement is made to any of the main county roads, the same shall,
except as hereinafter provided, be let out on contract. Public bids shall
be received for the same, after due notice, upon such terms, as they may
prescribe. When a bridge costing over five hundred dollars is to be built,
a road engineer may be consulted as to kind, character, cost and approved
method of building the same before a bid for its construction is accepted,
and in event the bids for making any special or permanent improvement
or repair to any of said roads or for building any of said bridges shall be
deemed excessive, the County Commissioners shall reject, them and call
for new bids or construct the same themselves, under the supervision of
the road engineer; all expense connected with the building of bridges
costing over one hundred dollars, and the permanent improvement of,
or temporary repairs to, the main roads hereinbefore provided for shall be
paid out of the said general road fund, or if it shall be insufficient, the
deficiency shall be made up from the general funds of the county not
otherwise appropriated. In making the general repairs to the county
roads they shall require three-fourths of the amount allotted to each road
district to be expended before the 15th of June and the balance before
the 1st of November in each year, and in case of bills coining in from
any road district before the levy is collected for the same, they may ad-
vance from the general funds of the county enough to meet them, reim-
bursing the county as the collection from such districts may be made. No
bills shall be paid unless sworn to and duly approved by the Road Com-
missioners for such district.
1906, ch. 365, sec. 138A.
329, Whenever any doubt exists as to the proper location or width of
a county road or the County Commissioners deem it expedient that the
same be re-surveyed, they shall cause the same to be surveyed by the
county surveyor and a description and plat made thereof and recorded
and filed among their records. Whenever possible such description shall
be made by reference to the original description of said road, when the
same was acquired, by grant or condemnation, if such description can be
found, but if the same can not be found, then such description and plat
shall be made of said road as actually laid out and used, the existing centre
of the road being taken for the centre of the road as re-surveyed, the
width thereof as re-surveyed, marked and plated by the surveyor, being
in all cases not less than thirty feet; upon a return of said certificate
and plat, notice shall be published in at least one newspaper in the county