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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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if so proved shall be conclusive as to the right of such persons to vote on
said question; and if said vote shall be in favor of Garrett County, then
the lines as laid down under the authority of Chapter 304 of the Acts
of 1898, which survey is filed in the office of the Land Commissioner of
Maryland, shall be and remain the divisional lines between Garrett and
Allegany Counties.



1908, ch. 427, sec. 1 (p. 340).

39. The County Commissioners of Allegany County are hereby em-
powered and directed to levy the sum of seven thousand dollars on the
assessable property of Allegany County at their regular annual levy for the
year 1908, and seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars at their
regular annual levy for the year of 1909, said seven thousand dollars at
the regular 1908 levy to be held by the treasurer of Allegany County along
with seven thousand dollars additional which the said County Commis-
sioners are hereby authorized and directed to borrow on the credit of the
county at the time of their 1908 levy for the term of one year, to be paid
with the interest thereon at the time of their 1909 levy, subject to the
order of the Board of Directors for Allegany County, to be expended by
them in erecting a free bridge over the Potomac River, from the town of
McCool, in Allegany County, to the City of Keyser, West Virginia.

1908, ch. 427, sec. 4 (p. 341).

40. The sa'id Road Directors for Allegany County shall keep in repair
and maintain the said bridge, paying for said repair and maintenance out
of the general road fund of Allegany County.


1910, ch. 100, sec. 1 (p. 503).

41. The Road Directors for Allegany County are hereby authorized
and empowered to build a bridge over the Potomac River, in conjunction
with the public authorities of Hampshire County, West Virginia, at some
point which may be determined upon as most convenient, at or near Old-
town, in Allegany County.

1910, ch. 100, sec. 2 (p. 504).

42. For the purpose of building said bridge the said County Commis-
sioners are hereby authorized to levy a sum of money upon the assessable
property of said county not exceeding one-half the cost of said bridge, and
said sum so levied shall be entered to the use of the Road Directors of
Allegany County, for the purpose aforesaid, which Road Directors are
hereby empowered to supervise the expenditure of the same and make any


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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