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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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south and west of lines beginning at the summit of Big Back Bone or
Savage Mountain where that mountain is crossed by Mason's and Dixon's
line, and running thence by a straight line to the middle of Savage River,
where it empties into the Potomac River; thence by a straight line to the
nearest point or boundary of the State of West Virginia; and beginning
for the same at the summit of the Big Back Bone or Savage Mountain,
where that mountain is crossed by Mason and Dixon's line, and running
thence by a straight line to the middle of Savage River, where it empties
into the Potomac River; thence by a straight line to the nearest point or
boundary of the State of West Virginia, and then with the said boundary
along the southern or right bank of the north branch of the Potomac River
to its source; thence due north to Mason's and Dixon's line, and then with
it east to the place of beginning on the summiit of the Big Back Bone or
Savage Mountain.

1906, ch. 730, sec. 2.

38. Due notice shall be given by advertisement and otherwise of the
submission of the question of the boundaries of Garrett County to the
qualified voters within all the territory affected, and that the question
be submitted as provided in this Act and in accordance with all existing
laws providing for the submission of constitutional amendments or other
questions to the voters of the State, that is to say, as follows: In addition
to the ticket to be voted for member of Congress as aforesaid the super-
visors of elections of Grarrett County shall have printed on the tickets to
be used at said congressional election the words "For Garrett County"
and "Against Garrett County." Said tickets shall in their details and
arrangements be in conformity to the provisions of Article 23* of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Elections," and be
marked in the square on the right of the aforesaid words in the same
manner as the tickets are required by law to be marked; and if upon count-
ing the vote it shall be found that a majority of the votes shall be "For
Garrett County," then the disputed territory shall become and remain a
part of Garrett County; but if a majority of said votes be cast "Against
Garrett County," then the said disputed territory shall be and remain
a part of Allegany County; and when the matter is so determined the
citizens living in said disputed territory shall pay their taxes to the
county in whose favor the question shall have been decided; and it is a
provision of said election that the registered voters in said disputed terri-
tory shall be permitted to vote on said question, in Garrett County, al-
though they may be registered in Allegany County within the lines now
laid down; and their votes, on proof of registration in Allegany County
shall have the same effect as if they were registered voters in Garrett
County; and, should any dispute arise as to any person so voting being a
resident of said disputed territory, then and in that event the registra-
tion books of Allegany County may be resorted to for such proof; and

*Article 33 evidently intended


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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