1556 ARTICLE 6.
County shall not transmit to the County Commissioners of said county a
list of the alienations of property by deed, as provided in Section 10 of
Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. All Acts or parts of
Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
The reference is to Art. 81 of 1924 Edition.
P. L,. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 60. 1884, ch. 511. 1896, ch. 323.
109. At the general election for county officers in every fourth year
on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, accounting from
the year 1897, a county treasurer shall be elected by the qualified voters
of Caroline County, who shall hold office for the term of four years from
the first Monday in July next following his election, and until his suc-
cessor shall qualify.*
P. L. L, 1888, Art. 6, sec. 61. 1884, ch. 511. 1904, ch. 611. 1914, ch. 732.
110. The person so elected Treasurer, before he enters upon the duties
of his office, shall make and execute to the State of Maryland, a good and
sufficient bond and deliver the same to the County Commissioners; said
bond to be secured with surety or sureties thereto, to be approved by them
in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, and conditioned for the
faithful discharge of the duties of the office of County Treasurer, and that
he will well and faithfully receive, account for and disburse all money
placed in his hands or received by him. in accordance with the order and
direction of the County Commissioners, which bond shall be recorded in
the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County, and a
copy thereof, certified in the usual form by said clerk, shall be admitted
as evidence in all courts of this State, at law or in equity, and the afore-
said bond shall be liable to suit by them or other persons interested therein.
The said treasurer shall occupy such separate office in the Court House
as shall be provided for him by the said Commissioners, and keep the
office open for business from ten o'clock in the forenoon until three o'clock
in the afternoon each day in the week except Sundays and legal holidays
(unless a temporary leave of absence be granted to him), and said treas-
urer shall receive a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum. And in
addition to said salary, the County Commissioners of Caroline County,
from and after the 1st day of July, 1914, shall pay to said treasurer the
sum of four hundred dollars in each of their fiscal years, for his trav-
eling expenses in visiting the towns and villages in the several election
districts of said Caroline County for the purpose of collecting taxes; for
the expense of clerical help in his office and for the payment of the pre-
mium for the bond herein required to be given by him, if said treasurer
shall furnish a bond with a surety company authorized by the laws of
the State of Maryland to execute such bond, as surety. But if said treas-
*Under Art. 17 of Md. Constitution now elected in even numbered years.