fine or be legally discharged therefrom; and a certificate from a majority
of the Commissioners, in the recess of the Commissioners, under their
hand, that they will pay such fees at their next session, shall be binding on
the Commissioners and entitle the prisoner to a discharge.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 54. 1886, ch. 219.
105. They are authorized and directed to appropriate annually, and
pay over to the town commissioners of the several incorporated towns in
the county, a sum of money in their judgment sufficient to assist in im-
proving and repairing the road-beds of said towns.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 58. 1882, ch. 214. 1916, ch. 457.
106. They are further authorized and empowered to make and effect
temporary loans for the use of said county upon notes or drafts signed by
them, or a majority of them, and countersigned by the clerk, with the seal
of office, for sums in all not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, payable
with interest in less time than six months from the date thereof; and they
shall levy annually upon the assessable property of the county, taxes suffi-
cient to satisfy the said loans, or satisfy annually the same from taxes and
money collectable and due.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 59. 1882, ch. 214.
107. They are authorized and empowered to issue bonds in renewal
of such bonds as may be satisfactorily transferred or assigned; and in the
event of satisfactory evidence of the loss and destruction of any bond out-
standing, and ample security approved by them to save them harmless from
any loss on account thereof, they may issue a duplicate bond in the place
thereof; and in all renewals they shall endorse the number and date of
the original bond.
1920, ch. 722. 1922, ch. 457.
108. Before any deed for the conveyance of real estate in Caroline
County shall be received for record by the Clerk of the Circuit Court
thereof, the person offering said deed for record shall submit the same
to the Clerk of the County Commissioners of said county, who shall there-
upon make transfer on the County Assessment Books of the said property
to the name of the new owners thereof, and as evidence of said transfer,
shall stamp upon the said deed his certificate thereof, and no deed shall
be received for record without said certificate. At the time of submitting
the deed to the Clerk of the County Commissioners, the person or persons
offering the same shall furnish said clerk with a statement of the build-
ings, if any, upon the land conveyed by said deed, and the price paid for
the property. If any deed is received by the Clerk of the Court through
the mails or accepted by him which has not said certificate attached or
stamped thereon, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Court to present
said deed to the Clerk of the County Commissioners to have it certified
before recording the same. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Caroline