1554 ARTICLE 6.
tion on the same day in every second year, one County Commissioner for
the said county shall be elected for the term of six years from the date
of his election, in case the office of any of them shall become vacant by
death, resignation or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint any proper
person to fill said vacancy until the next general election, and if the term
of the commissioners, by whose death, resignation or incapacity, the office
has become vacant, be not then completed, a commissioner shall be elected
to same for the unexpired term occasioned by the vacancy that is for
two or four years as the case may be.*
1904, ch. 669, sec. 50A. 1912, ch. 34. 1922, ch. 533.
101. The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall between
the first day of March and the first day of June, beginning with the year
nineteen hundred and twenty-two, and every two years thereafter, appoint
a clerk to the County Commissioners of said county, who shall take office
on the first day of July next ensuing his appointment and who shall hold
his office for a term of two years; and the said clerk to the County Com-
missioners shall receive a salary of twelve hundred dollars ($1200.00) per
annum and he shall receive no extra compensation for any service rendered
the county.
1898, ch. 216, sec. 50B. 1904, ch. 669, sec. 50B.
102. It shall be the duty of said clerk, as soon as the annual levy is
made, to give public notice thereof by advertisement inserted in two news-
papers printed and published in said county; and the taxes so levied shall
be entered in books as the same has been done heretofore, and said books
shall be delivered to the County Treasurer not later than August loth of
the same year, and shall bo due and payable on the first day of September
in which they are levied; it shall be the further duty of the clerk to strike
from the list of taxables the names of all insolvents returned to him by the
Treasurer of said county and allowed by the County Commissioners as
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 52. 1860, Art. 6, sec. 47.
103. They may appoint their crier, and he shall be entitled to fifty
cents a day for every day the clerk to the Commissioners shall certify he
acted as such.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 53. 1860, Art 6, sec. 48.
104. If any person shall be fined for any misdemeanor and is unable
to pay the fine or fees, or give security, and be imprisoned for want of
security, they may levy the amount of fees on the county, and the levy so
made shall entitle the prisoner to his immediate discharge if he pay the
*Sec. 51D of ch. 249, 1892, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith. All elective
county officials are elected in even years for terms of four years under Art. 17
of Md. Constitution.
+Sec. 2 of ch. 669, 1904, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith. Ch. 669, 1904,
apparently superseded ch. 216, 1898.