1896, ch. 299, sec. 3. 1908, ch. 526, sec. 3 (p. 628). 1912, ch. 43, sec. 3.
95A. The stenographer appointed under this Act shall serve for one
year, and shall be removed at any time for cause, and shall perform such
duties as may be imposed upon him by such judges of said court, or any
of them.
1914, ch. 705.
96. In addition to the salary of the stenographer duly appointed under
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, the Court Stenographer
of the Second Judicial Circuit of the State of Maryland shall be paid the
sum of three hundred dollars ($300) per annum, in quarterly instalments,
accounting from the first day of April, 1914, for his expenses as such
stenographer; and the County Commissioners of Cecil County, of Talbot
Comity, of Kent County, of Queen Anne's County and of Caroline County
shall each pay the sum of sixty dollars ($60.00) thereof per annum, in
quarterly payments as aforesaid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 51. 1860, Art. 6, sec. 46. 1892, ch. 249, sec. 51.
97. There shall be three County Commissioners for Caroline County.
1892, ch. 249, sec. 51A. 1920. ch. 63.
98. The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall each receive,
in lieu of the per diem and mileage, an annual salary of five hundred
dollars ($500.00) payable, quarterly, and all necessary traveling expenses
when traveling on county business outside of the county.
1892, ch. 249, sec. 51B.
99. There shall be elected at the next general election To be held on
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November in the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, three County Commissioners for
Caroline County who shall receive the same compensation as is now
allowed by law.
1892, ch. 249, sec. 51C.
100. The three County Commissioners elected at said general election
in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three shall hold office for the
terms of six, four and two years respectively from the date of their elec-
tion, and the Governor so soon as he conveniently may after receiving the
official returns of said election shall fairly determine by lot which of said
three commissioners shall hold his office for the term of six years, and
which for the term of four years, and which for the term of two years,
and in accordance with said determination by lot shall issue to them their
commissions for their annual terms; thereafter beginning at the general
election on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of No-
vember in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five at each general elec-