1552 ARTICLE 6.
1902, ch. 134, sec. 4.
91. The said corporation shall be capable in law to have, receive and
retain to it property, real, personal and mixed; also devises and bequests
of any person or persons capable of making the same, and the same at its
pleasure to transfer, mortgage or otherwise dispose of.
1902, ch. 134, sec. 5.
92. The judges of the Circuit Court for Caroline County, for the time
being, shall have the privilege of the use of any and all the law books
belonging to the said association as fully as members thereof, but no judge
shall take any book beyond the limits of the county.
1902, ch. 134, sec. 6.
93. The affairs of the said association shall be controlled and managed
by six directors, and that T. Pliny Fisher, Henry R. Lewis, Albert G.
Towers, Fred. R. Owens, Harry L. Cooper and William H. Deweese
shall serve as such directors until the first Monday of January, in the
year nineteen hundred and three, and until their successors are duly
1896, ch. 299, sec. 1.
94. The judges of the Second Judicial Circuit of this State are hereby
authorized and empowered to employ a competent stenographer to serve
in the respective courts of said circuit.
1896, ch. 299, sec. 2. 1908, ch. 526, sec. 2 (p. 678). 1912, ch. 43, sec. 2.
95. The salary of said stenographer shall be sixteen hundred dollars
($1,600.00) per year from the first day of April, nineteen hundred and
twelve; the said salary to be paid as follows: The County Commissioners
of Cecil County shall pay four hundred and twenty dollars ($420.00)
thereof; the County Commissioners of Talbot County shall pay three
hundred and twenty-five dollars ($325.00) thereof; the County Commis-
sioners of Kent County shall pay three hundred and ten dollars ($310.00)
thereof; the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County shall pay
three hundred and ten dollars thereof, and the County Commissioners of
Caroline County shall pay two hundred and thirty-five dollars ($235.00)
thereof, said payments to be made in quarterly instalments, from the first
day of April, nineteen hundred and twelve.*
Ch. 244, 1918, increased the salary of the Court Stenographer $10 per month
in each of the five counties in, the Second Judicial Circuit and ch. 280, 1920,
increased his salary $50 per year in each of the five counties, these increases to
be payable only to a person who has served as Court Stenographer for at least
five years.
Ch. 598, 1927, increased his salary $500 per year, $100 to be paid by each of the
five counties.