ty; provided, however, that the entire cost of making said index shall not
exceed the sum of three hundred dollars.
From and after the passage of this Act it shall be the duty of said clerk
to enter in said index, in the name of both plaintiffs and defendants, all
judgments thereafter, and also to enter the same satisfied and ended, for
which service he shall be allowed the sum of twenty-five cents, to be paid
for by the parties to the suit as other costs aire now paid.
1890, ch. 338.
87. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County is hereby
authorized to cause a general index to the land records in his office from
the year seventeen hundred and seventy-four, to the year eighteen hundred
and fifty-one, to be made under the system known as the "Campbell
System," to be paid for by the County Commissioners for Caroline Coun-
ty ; provided, however, that the total cost of said indexing shall not exceed
the sum of six hundred dollars, and that no part of said sum shall be paid
until the whole work shall be fully done to the satisfaction of the County
1902, ch. 134, sec. 1.
88. T. Pliny Fisher, Henry R. Lewis, Albert G. Towers, Fred. R.
Owens, Harvey L. Cooper and William H. Deweese, and such other per-
sons as may hereatfter become members of the same, and their successors,
are hereby created a corporation by the name, style and title of the "Caro-
line County Law Library Association," and by that name shall have
perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, answer and defend in any
Court of Law or Equity, and may adopt such by-laws, rules and regula-
tions as may appear necessary and proper for conducting the concerns of
said corporation as shall not be contrary to the laws of this State, or of the
United States, and the same may change, alter or amend as may appear
proper, and may have, use, and at pleasure change a common seal, and in
general exercise all such rights, privileges and immunities as by law axe
incident or necessary to the corporation herein constituted.
1902, ch. 134, sec. 2.
89. The capital stock of said corporation shall not exceed the sum of
ten thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each.
1902, ch. 134, sec. 3.
90. One-half of all fines and penalties hereafter paid, imposed by the
Circuit Court for Caroline County upon any person or persons convicted
in said court of any crime, and one-half of all forfeitures that may be
colleected by said court by judgment or decree of said court, shall be paid
to said Caroline County Law Library Association and by it expended in
the purchasing of law books for the use of said Association.