1550 ARTICLE 6.
and that the said 'objections are not filed for the purpose of delay, and
that he is advised by counsel to file the same; and such objections shall
have a certificate of counsel thereto annexed that he advised the filing of
such objections.
1894, ch. 463, sec. 49E
83. Bills of exception may be signed in any cause pending in said
court at any time within thirty days from the rendition of the verdict of
the jury or the findings of the court upon issues of fact in said cause, but
not thereafter, unless the time for signing said bill of exception shall
have been previously extended by order of court or by consent of parties;
but nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent either party from
requiring the bills of exception to be signed before the verdict.
1894, ch. 463, sec. 49P.
84. When any cause pending in said court shall be ordered to be trans-
ferred to another county or the city of Baltimore, and the party praying
for such removal shall fail or neglect to have the record in said cause
actually transferred before the first day of the term next succeeding the
application for removal, by the court, on application of either party to
said cause, shall cause the said order of removal to be rescinded, and the
said cause shall be placed on the trial docket, and the said motion for
removal shall not be thereafter renewed; and in all cases where any cause
is removed or any appeal taken, the party applying for such removal or
appeal shall pay or secure to be paid to the clerk, the fees and costs for
making up said record before the said clerk shall be required to make
up said record.
P. L. L,., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 50. 1886, ch. 284.
85. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County shall be enti-
tled to demand and receive from any person or body corporate, depositing
in his office for record, any deed or writing relating to the conveyance or
transfer of real estate, the sum of five cents for such deed or writing, for
the purpose of continuing the general index of conveyances.
1894, ch. 658.
86. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County is hereby
authorized and required to make out, in a fair and legible handwriting, a
general index, under the system, known as the "Campbell System," in the
names of both "Plaintiffs and Defendants," of all judgments recovered in
said court and now standing open and unsatisfied, from the year eighteen
hundred and eighty-two to eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and shall be
allowed the sum of five cents for each name in which said index is made,
in addition to all costs for index record books, to be furnished by said
clerk and to be paid for by the County Commissioners for Caroline Coun-