paid and borne, one-half by Caroline County and the remaining one-half
by Talbot County, and to be levied at their regular annual levy.
1890, ch. 298, sec. 5. 1922, ch. 463, sec. 5.
69. The cost of maintaining the said bridge and keeping it in safe
repair and condition far public travel shall be paid in the same ratio as
as in the preceding section, viz: one-half by Caroline County, and one-
half by Talbot County, and the County Commissioners of aforesaid coun-
ties are hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon the assessable
property of their respective counties such sums of money as may be neces-
sary, from time to time, to defray said costs in the proportions aforesaid.
1890, ch. 298, sec. 6. 1900, ch. 190, sec. 6. 1922, ch. 463, sec. 6.
70. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties, a
majority of each board concurring, shall annually, in the month of April
appoint some competent person to act as bridge-keeper whose duty it shall
,be to attend to the opening and closing of the draw of said bridge when so
required, and also to attend to such other duties in regard to keeping said
bridge in safe and proper condition for public travel, and the said bridge-
keeper shall receive for his services such compensation as the said County
Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties shall deem just and
proper, to be provided for in their annual levy; one-half of said, salary
to be paid by Caroline County, and the remaining one-half by Talbot
1890, ch. 2'98, sec. 7.
71. The County Commissioners of the counties aforesaid, shall meet
at Horsey's Landing on said river or creek, for the purpose of locating
and determining the position of the bridge across said Tuckahoe river or
creek, according to the provisions of this Act hereinbefore recited in Sec-
tion 65, and after having taken such joint action in relation to the position
and construction of said bridge, together with all other steps, which in
their discretion may be necessary for the faithful performance of the con-
ditions above mentioned, they shall cause immediate action to be taken
toward opening and constructing a suitable county road on each side of
said bridge to intersect the roads above mentioned, to be opened and con-
structed by the County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties
respectively, and to be paid for as other county roads are opened and paid
for under the road law of Caroline and Talbot Counties then in force;
provided, however, that none of the provisions of this Act shall become
operative until the same shall have received the sanction of the Boards
of the County Commissioners of the counties aforesaid.
1894, ch. 618, sec. 1.
72. The County Commissioners of Caroline County are hereby auth-
orized and directed to build a substantial bridge over the Great Choptank