1546 ARTICLE 6.
river, at or near Williston,* in Caroline County, with suitable causeways
and approaches thereto, and also to build a similar bridge, causeways and
approaches over said river, at a point at or near the wharf known as
Gradd's wharf, on the east side of said river, to a point on the west side
thereof, to intersect the public road leading from Denton bridge to James
B. Wilson's mill, said bridge to be constructed either of wood or iron or
both, in the discretion of the said commissioners, to be not less than
eighteen feet wide in the clear, with railings on each side thereof not less
than four feet high, and shall have a. draw therein of sufficient width to
afford convenient passage to boats and steamers upon and down said river,
which said draw shall at all times be opened on the approach of boats
and steamers so as not to delay or interrupt their passage; provided, how-
ever, that the said commissioners shall not build said bridges and cause-
ways or either of them until the estimated cost thereof shall have been,
by the persons particularly interested therein, deposited in the Denton
National Bank, subject to the order only of the County Commissioners
of Caroline County.
1894, ch. 618, sec. 2.
73. Said bridges and causeways shall be built by contract and not
otherwise, and that the estimated cost thereof mentioned in Section 72 of
this Article, shall be determined by the lowest and best offer that shall be
made for the building and constructing the same; and the County Com-
missioners are hereby authorized to advertise for sealed proposals for
building and constructing said bridges and causeways, according to plans
and specifications to be by said commissioners furnished when requested
so to do by any person or persons particularly interested therein; pro-
vided, however, that the contract for the building and constructing of
said bridges and causeways shall not be awarded to any person or persons
until such person or persons shall enter into a bond in double the amount
of the bid or offer, which said bond shall be in the usual form and contain
the usual conditions, and be subject to the approval or rejection of the
said commissioners; and provided further, that the contract price shall
in no case exceed the amount deposited in the Denton National Bank as
provided for in Section 72 of this Article.
1894, ch. 618, sec. 3.
74. When the location of said bridges shall have been determined by
the persons particularly interested therein, and the same shall have been
communicated to the Commissioners in writing, and when the provisions
of Sections 72 and 73 of this Article shall have been complied with, the said
Commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by in-
quisition, purchase or otherwise the lands necessary for the construction
of said bridges and causeways; and said bridges when built and accepted
by said Commissioners shall be maintained and kept in proper repair by
Caroline County as free bridges.
*Formerly Potter's Landing. See 1890, ch. 96.