tion of his term of office, or after being removed from his office to sur-
render and deliver up to his successor in office any property, money, books,
or effects of any kind in his possession, as such officer or member he shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon indictment and convic-
tion in a court of law, he shall be fined not more than one thousand dol-
lars and imprisoned in the county jail not more than two years; but
nothing herein contained shall bar any civil suit that might be main-
tained for the recovery of such property, money, or effects.
1922, ch. 527, sec. 8H.
8. The overseer shall keep a list of all poor, beggars, vagrants, vaga-
bonds, and other inmates, who shall be committed to said almshouse, and
regular accounts of all materials, crops and other things that may come
to his hands as overseer, and shall lay said list and accounts before the
County Commissioners of Caroline County when required.
1922, ch. 527, sec. 9-I.
9. The County Commissioners shall annually levy on the taxable prop-
erty of the county, a sufficient amount for the support of the almshouse
and for the care of the inmates therein received.
1904, ch. 586, sec. 9.
10. The houses known by the name of the "Poor Houses" of Caroline
County and the land thereto belonging, are vested in the County Com-
missioners of Caroline County and their successors forever, as their estate
and inheritance, one part to be called the "Almshouse," and to be for the
reception of the poor of said county, and the other part to be called the
"Workhouse," and to be for the reception and lodging of vagrants, beg-
gars, vagabonds and other offenders.
1904, ch. 586, sec. 9A.
11. The County Commissioners are hereby authorized to sell the pres-
ent Almshouse Farm, if in their judgment a change of location of said
Almshouse is desirable and necessary, the same to be sold at public sale
after three weeks' notice given in the newspapers published in Caroline
County, and on such terms as they shall deem most advantageous to the
interests of the said county; and on receipt of full payment for the said
farm the said County Commissioners shall give a good and sufficient deed
for the same.
1904, ch. 586, sec. 9B.
12. Should the County Commissioners decide to sell the present Alms-
house Farm, they shall purchase a tract of land, not to exceed fifty acres
of ]and, within two miles of the town of Denton; should the proceeds
arising from the sale of the said Almshouse Farm be insufficient to pur-
chase the land and erect, furnish and equip proper buildings thereon, the
said County Commissioners are hereby authorized to borrow a sum of