1530 ARTICLE 6.
setting the poor to work, and admitting vagrants, beggars and other indi-
gent persons to said almshouse, and for the good government and manage-
ment of the almshouse in said county as shall seem proper to them.
1922, ch. 527, sec. 3C.
3. The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall on or before
the second Monday in December in every year appoint some suitable per-
son to be overseer or keeper of the almshouse and manager of the farm
connected therewith, who shall enter upon the discharge of his office on
January 1st, succeeding the date of his appointment, and they shall ap-
point so many officers and employees of the almshouse as they may deem
requisite and fix and establish their compensation and make and pass such
orders and regulations to govern their acts and duties.
1922, ch. 527, sec. 4D.
4. The said overseer or keeper of the almshouse shall receive all sums
of money arising from the sale of products raised on said farms connected
with the almshouse and shall within ten days from the receipt thereof pay
the same to the Board of County Commissioners of Caroline County.
1922, ch. 527, sec. 5B.
5. The County Commissioners may remove such overseer or keeper,
and any other officer or employee, at their discretion, and appoint another
or others in his or their place at any time during the year whenever in
their judgment the interests of the county may require, and the said over-
seer and the employees shall at all times discharge their duties subject to
the direction, authority, control and order of the said County Commis-
sioners. Provided, further, that by and with the consent of the County
Commissioners, the County Farm Agent for Caroline County may, sub-
ject to the direction and control of the said County Commissioners, direct
and supervise the management and cultivation of said almshouse farm,
and in which event the overseer and all other employees on said farm
shall be under the authority of said County Farm Agent.
1922, ch. 527, sec. 6F.
6. They shall require such overseer or keeper, before entering upon
the discharge of his duties, to give a bond, with security approved by
them, payable to the "County Commissioners of Caroline County," in
the penalty of one thousand dollars, conditioned as follows, to wit: "The
condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bound A. B.,
as overseer or keeper of the alms or poor house in Caroline County, and
manager of the farm connected therewith, shall well and truly discharge
his duties in said station, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise
to remain in full force and virtue in law."
1922, ch. 527, sec. 7G.
7. That if any keeper or overseer of said almshouse, or any officer
thereof, shall neglect or refuse for the space of thirty days at the expira-