1532 ARTICLE 6.
money not to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, at a rate of interest
not to exceed six per centum per annum, and the said County Commis-
,sioners shall provide for the payment of the amount so borrowed, with
accrued interest thereon, in equal annual installments, so that the debt
may be entirely paid within five'years from the date the same was created.
Should the County Commissioners decide that it is unwise to change the
location of the said Almshouse, then they are hereby authorized to con-
.struct the necessary buildings on the present Almshouse Farm and to
equip, furnish and heat the same at a cost not to exceed the sum of five
thousand dollars, the debt so created to be paid as hereinbefore set out;
and for the purposes herein specified the Trustees of the Poor of Caro-
line County and the said Board of County Commissioners shall constitute
a joint board to supervise the construction, furnishing and heating of
the said building or buildings.
1910, ch. 133, sec. 10B (p. 676).
13. If said County Commissioners shall deem it not advisable to
change the location of the almshouse, and consequently not advisable to
sell the entire almshouse farm, as provided in Section 11 of this sub-Title
of this Article, then they are hereby authorized to sell and by good and
sufficient deed to convey such parcel of said farm, not exceeding two hun-
dred and fifty acres, as in their judgment is not profitable to retain with
the same; provided, however, that all of the arable land and a sufficient
quantity of the woodland for the use and purpose of said farm shall be
retained and not sold.
1910, ch. 133, sec. 10C (p. 676).
14. Should said Commissioners determine to sell a part of said Alms-
house farm, as provided in Section 18 hereof, the course and manner of
their proceeding's shall be as follows: They shall first cause the part of
said farm determined to be sold to be carefully surveyed and plotted, and
then give at least three weeks' public notice of said sale by advertisement
in at least two newspapers printed and published in Caroline County of
the time, place, manner and terms of said sale, which said terms shall be
for cash, or part cash and part credit, in the discretion of the said Com-
missioners ; but if at said sale a satisfactory bid is not obtained, in the
judgment of the Commissioners, they shall withdraw the said land, and
may afterward sell the same at private sale upon the terms hereinbefore
set forth; provided, however, that the price received at private sale exceed
the price offered at public sale, plus the costs of the public sale, and when
the purchase money shall have been fully paid, and not before, the said
Commissioners shall, by good and sufficient deed, convey the same to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof.
1910, ch. 133, sec. 10D (p. 677). 1916, ch. 481.
15. Should said land be sold as hereinbefore provided, the proceeds
arising from said sale and notes for the deferred payments, if any, shall be