find who are qualified voters of Calvert County shall on the first Monday
in May in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, or as soon thereafter
as conveniently may be, elect three Commissioners of Solomons, to serve
for one year and until their successors shall be elected and qualified; the
Commissioners must be residents within the corporate limits of Solo-
mons, and have resided therein for at least six months next previous to
their election, they must be taxpayers and residents in said town during
their term of office, and shall receive no pay for their services.
1892, ch. 610, sec. 4.
285. The three commissioners elected shall choose one of their number
as president, and all vacancies in said board shall be filled by an election
to be held after ten days' notice given by the remaining Commissioners,
and the Commissioners so elected shall meet at, some convenient place in
said town on or before the first Monday in June next succeeding their
election and as often thereafter as may be necessary to discharge the
duties of their office.
1892, ch. 610, sec. 5.
286. The commissioners shall in every year on or before the first Mon-
day in April appoint three judges of election, who shall conduct the elec-
tion according to the election laws of this State as they existed prior to
the enactment of Chapter 538 of the Acts of 1890; (it being the intent
of this Act, that the law known as the "Australian Ballot System" shall
not prevail in reference to said town election) provided, that the hours for
holding said election shall only be from two o'clock p. m., to six o'clock
p. m.; and the judges and the clerks of election appointed by them (which
clerks they are hereby authorized and directed to appoint), shall make
the returns of such elections to the Commissioners, but shall receive no
compensation for their services; the first election shall be held before
George W. Hayward, John J. Saunders and Frank P. Harten who are
hereby appointed judges for that purpose, and if either of them should
be absent the vacancies shall be filled by the judge or judges present.
1892, ch. 610, sec. 6.
287. The said commissioners shall appoint in their discretion annually
a clerk who shall keep the minutes of their proceedings in a well-bound
book which shall be open to the inspection of all persons interested therein
and shall perform such other duties as the said Commissioners shall assign
him to, and receive such pay as they may deem proper, not exceeding the
sum of twenty-five dollars per annum; the said Commissioners shall also
appoint a bailiff whose compensation shall be such as they may deem
proper, not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars per annum, and
said bailiff shall, when acting as a constable receive similar fees as con-
1892, ch. 610, sec. 7.
288. The commissioners and all other officers of the corporation shall
before entering upon the duties of their offices make oath that they will