1514 ARTICLE 5.
same to be diverted they shall be deemed guilty of a misdeamnor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than twice
the amount so diverted.
1916, ch. 443.
280. The County Commissioners of Calvert County are authorized,
empowered and directed to have made and erected sign boards, on which
shall be a hand pointing towards the one town or place, and from the
other town or place, together with the names of the places and number
of miles apart, all designated in large enough type to be seen by travelers
at a distance of not less than fifty yards.
These sign boards are to be placed on the principal main roads of the
County, at such towns, points, crossroads and forks, as will serve for the
convenience of public traffic.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 125. 1878, ch. 378. 1918, ch. 36.
281. The Sheriff of Calvert County shall receive a sum of money not
to exceed seventy-five cents a day for keeping and boarding each prisoner
in the county jail and shall also receive a sum of money not to exceed
forty dollars, for conveying to the State Penitentiary or to any other
place of punishment situated beyond the limits of said county, every per-
son sentenced thereto by the Circuit Court for Calvert County, or by any
justice of the peace for said county.
1892, ch. 610, sec. 1.
282. The citizens of Solomon's Island in Calvert County are hereby
created a body corporate by the name of the "Commissioners of Solomons"
with all the powers and privileges of a body politic and corporate, and
by said corporate name may have perpetual succession, sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity and may have and
use a common seal, and the same amend or alter at pleasure.
1892, ch. 610, sec. 2.
283. The corporate limits of said town of "Solomons" shall be those
of the entire island known as "Solomon's Island," (situate at or near
the mouth of the Patuxent River in Drum Point Harbor and connected
with the mainland of Calvert County by a shell road or causeway across
mill creek).
1892, ch. 610, sec. 3.
284. The citizens of said town having resided therein, six months,
previous to any election who are of the age of twenty-one years or over