amount of said damages exceeds twenty dollars, he shall appoint one dis-
interested person, and the person damaged shall appoint one disin-
terested person who with the said officer shall appraise under oath the
amount thereof. The said officer shall return a certificate of the damages
found to the treasurer of the county in which the damage is done within
ten days after such appraised is made. The treasurer shall thereupon sub-
mit the same to the County Commissioners, who within thirty days shall
examine all such bills, and if any doubt exists, may summon the appraisers
and all parties interested and make such examination as they think proper,
and shall issue an order upon the treasurer of the county in which the
damage was done for such amount, if any, as they decide to be just, the
treasurer shall pay all orders drawn upon him for the above purposes
in full on or after the first day of January each year if the amount in
his hands standing to the credit of the dog license fund is sufficient thereof
otherwise he shall pay such amount pro rata upon such orders in full
discharge thereof on demand. The appraisers shall receive from the
county treasury out of the money received under the provisions of this
chapter relating to dogs, one dollar each for every such examination made
by them, and the justice of the peace acting in the case shall receive in
addition twenty cents per mile one way for his necessary travel.
1908, ch. 273, sec. 5 (p. 667).
120. The County Commissioners may offer a reward of not more than
ten dollars for the killing of any dog found to have worried, maimed or
killed sheep, lambs, fowls or other domestic animals, thereby causing dam-
ages for which the owner may become entitled to compensation from the
dog license funds as provided for in the preceding section, or for evidence
which shall determine to the satisfaction of the County Commissioners
who is the owner or keeper of the dog by which the damage was done.
The County Commissioners are authorized to have the treasurer pay the
said reward from the dog license fund.
1908, ch. 273, sec. 6 (p. 668).
121. If the County Commissioners have determined who is the owner
or keeper of any dog which if found to have worried, maimed or killed
any sheep, lambs, fowls or other domestic animals, thereby causing dam-
age for which their owners may become entitled to compensation from the
dog license fund as provided for in Section 119, they shall serve upon the
owner or keeper of such dog a notice directing him within twenty-four
hours to kill or confine the dog.
1908, ch. 273, sec. 7 (p. 668).
122. It shall be lawful for the County Commissioners of Calvert
County, or their agents thereto, authorized in writing to enter upon the
premises of the owner of any dog to them known to have worried or killed
sheep, lambs, fowls or other domestic animals, and then and there kill
such dog unless such owner whose premises are thus entered for the said