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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1474   View pdf image (33K)
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1474 ARTICLE 5.

purpose shall give bond in the sum of one hundred dollars, with sufficient
sureties to be approved by the County Commissioners, the condition of the
bond being that the dog shall refrain from killing or worrying sheep,
lambs, fowls or other domestic animals for the space of twelve months
next ensuing. And if the owner of the dog declares his intention to give
such a bond, the said County Commissioners, or their agents, shall allow
him reasonable time in which to procure and prepare the same and to
present it to them.

1908, ch. 273, sec. 8 (p. 668).

123. A person who owns or keeps a dog who has received such notice
as provided for in Sections 121 and 122, and does not within twenty-four
hours kill such dog or thereafter keep it on his premises or under the
immediate restraint and control of some person, shall be punished by a
fine of not more than twenty-five dollars, and any person may kill such
dog if it is found strolling outside of the enclosure or immediate care of
the owner or keeper.

1908, ch. 273, sec. 9 (p. 668).

124. Any person may kill a, dog found out of the enclosure or im-
mediaite care of the owner or keeper worrying, maiming or killing sheep,
lambs, fowls or other domestic animals;.

1908, ch. 273, sec. 10 (p. 668).

125. The owner or keeper of a dog, which is doing damages to sheep,
lambs, fowls or other domestic animals shall be liable in an action of tort
to the county, for all damages so done; which the County Commissioners
have ordered to be paid, as provided in this Act. The State or District
Attorney may, and if so ordered by the County Commissioners, shall
bring said action.

1908, ch. 273, sec. 11 (p. 668).

126. All moneys which are received by the County Treasurer under
the provisions of this Act, and which is not paid out for damages in the
calendar year for which it is collected, shall be expended in the respective
counties under the direction of the County Commissioners as they may
see fit.

1908, ch. 273, sec, 12 (p. 669).

127. A county officer who refuses or wilfully neglects to perform the
duties imposed upon him by the provisions 'of this Act relating to dogs
shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, which
shall be paid into the county treasury; whoever is aggrieved by such
refusal or neglect may report the same forthwith to the District or State's
Attorney of his county, who shall bring action.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1474   View pdf image (33K)
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