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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1472   View pdf image (33K)
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1472 ARTICLE 5.

1908, cil. 273, sec. 1 (p. 666).

116. The owners of all dogs kept in Calvert County shall procure ar
license at the rate of one dollar per annum for each male dog kept, and
two and a half dollars per annum for each female dog kept.*

1908, ch. 273, sec. 2 (p. 666).

117. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners to employ some
one in every school or election district to visit each house and collect the
dog license as hereby provided for, the dog license collector shall issue to-
the owner of each dog for which the license has been paid a receipt for
the amount paid and also a metallic tag, which can be attached to the
dog by means of a collar. The tag sihall be stamped with the name of
the county and the year for which the license has been paid. The dog
license year shall correspond with the calendar year, and the license
should be collected during the month of January each year. The County
Commissioners shall employ the lowest responsible bidder for making the
dog license collections, and require the adequate bond to cover the amount
to be collected. The bids shall be made on the basis of so much for each
dog license turned in. The dog license receipts and tax shall have cor-
responding consecutive numbers and each collector shall be charged up>
with the receipts and tags allotted to him and be responsible for the return
of the tags or their equivalent license to the County Commissioners not
later than the 10th day of February of each year. The dog license col-
lector may collect the license on any dog which he failed to find in Janu-
ary at any time. The dog license so collected shall be turned into the
county treasury and set aside as a special fund for use as hereinafter

1908, ch. 273. sec. 3 (p. 666).

118. Any person who shall be found guilty of making false returns:
to the dog license collector as to their ownership of dogs so as to in any
manner whatsoever evade the dog license shall upon proof of the same
be subject to a fine of not exceeding ten dollars, or imprisonment for not
more than thirty days.

1908, ch. 273, sec. 4 (p. 667).

119. Whoever suffers loss by the worrying, maiming or killing of
sheep, lambs, fowls or other domestic animals by dogs outside of the en-
closure of the owners or keepers of such dogs, may inform the justice of
the peace for the district wherein the damage was done, who shall pro-
ceed to the premises where the damage was done and determine whether
the same was inflicted by dogs, and, if so, appraise the amount thereof
if it does not exceed twenty dollars, if in the opinion of said officers the

*Ch. 273, 1908, is repealed by ch. 462, 1910, in so far as inconsistent with said
ch. 462. Both chs. 273, 1908, and 462, 1910, were repealed by ch. 497, 1918, in so
far as inconsistent with said ch. 497. See 1929 Supplement to Annotated Code,
Art. 56, secs. 267-273. Due to uncertainty as to the dog laws effective in Calvert
County, it was decided to include all which had not been specifically repealed.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1472   View pdf image (33K)
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