1470 ARTICLE 5.
1916, ch. 39, sec. 2.
104. The said County Commissioners' shall include in any agreement,
lease or deed for the said lots, conditions setting forth the kind, style
and character of the buildings to be erected and maintained on the said
ground, the location of the same and the purposes for which they may be
used by the said lessees, grantee or their assigns, and subject to such terms
and limitations as may be provided therein.
1916, ch. 39, sec. 3.
105. The said County Commissioners are hereby authorized, empow-
ered and directed to require the lessees of all buildings now located on and
occupying ground on the said lot which is needed for the public use to
remove the same within such reasonable time as the said County Com-
missioners shall determine.
1916, ch. 39, sec. 4.
106. All money received from the lease or sale of the said lots shall
be applied to the improvement and maintenance of the Court House Lot
so far as the same may be needed, or to such other county purposes as may
be fixed and determined upon by the County Commissioners of Calvert
County and the Court House Building Committee of Calvert County.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 59. 1870, ch 328.
107. The County Commissioners are authorized and directed to levy
annually for the use of the Crier of the Circuit Court, on the assessable
property in the county, one hundred dollars, which shall be in lieu of all
other allowance or compensation whatever, and the same shall be collected
and paid over as other public charges are collected and paid in the said
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 61. 1880, ch. 129.
108. The provisions of Sections 241 to 245, of Article 4, of the Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," relating to "Cruelty to Animals,"
shall apply to Calvert County as fully as if repeated in this Article.
Secs. 241-245 of Art. 4 were repealed hy ch. 496, 1902. Ch. 198, 1890, super-
seded said sections. See Annotated Code of Md., Art. 27, secs. 69-70, and State v..
Falkenham, 73 Md. 465.
P. L, L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 62. 1870, ch. 338.
109. The County Commissioners are authorized and directed to levy
a tax of fifty cents upon the owner of each and every dog in said county,
*See 1929 Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 56, secs. 267-273, as enacted by-
ch. 226, 1929, relating to dog licenses, and secs. 116-137 of this Article.