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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1469   View pdf image (33K)
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county, who as to his powers, rights, duties and liabilities, civil and crim-
inal, and those of hi& bond or bondsmen shall be in all respects on a
footing with State and county collectors except as herein provided, and
all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.


1896, ch. 107, sec. 1.

100. It shall not be lawful for stock of any kind to go at large, or
trespass upon the square or lot, surrounding the Court House in Prince
Predericktown, Calvert County.

1896, ch. 107, sec. 2.

101. It shall be lawful for the sheriff, constable, or any other officer

duly qualified to take up and impound any horse, mule, horned cattle,
swine or geese which may be found going at large on the square, or lot
surrounding the Court House in said county, and any officer so taking
up and impounding, shall notify a justice of the peace in said county,
who shall give notice of said impounding, by advertisement set up at one
or more public places, describing the stock so impounded, and that the
same will be sold at public auction, at some public place in said town,
within four days; provided, that if the owner of any stock impounded
under this Act shall prove, to the satisfaction of the justice of the peace,
that the said stock did not go at large from negligence or want of care
on his part, and that due diligence was used to prevent it, the owner shall
have return of the property, on paying all expenses of keeping and prov-
ing the same, and one dollar for taking up each of said stock.

1896, ch. 107, sec. 3.

102. All moneys arising from, the execution of this. Act, the justice of
the peace shall collect and pay to the officer taking up and impounding
said stock, a fair compensation for his services, and the balance to the

owner or owners, who may establish his or their claim to said property;
and in event of no such claimant appearing within thirty days, then the
balance, after deducting costs, shall be paid into the school fund for Cal-
vert County.

1916, ch. 39. sec. 1.

103. The County Commissioners of Calvert County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to divide into building lots that portion of the said
Court House Lot which is not needed for the public use and purposes
aforesaid and lease for a term of years or sell the same for a fair and
valuable consideration to lessees or purchasers thereof for the purpose of
erecting and maintaining buildings thereon, provided, that nothing herein
Contained shall authorize and empower the said County Commissioners
to lease or convey any portion of the said public lot except such portion

or portions as shall be designated by the said Building Committee as not
being needed for the public use.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1469   View pdf image (33K)
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