P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 42. 1868, ch. 439.
68. There shall be two other and intermediate terms of each of said
courts, to which jurors shall not be summoned, to be held at the several
places mentioned, and at the following times; for Calvert County, on the
first Monday of July and February; for St. Mary's County, on the first
Monday of June and December; for Prince George's County, on the third
Monday of January and June, and for Charles County, on the third Mon-
day of February and July in each year.
1924, ch. 319.
69. In any action hereafter brought in the Circuit Court of Calvert
County arising ex contractu, if the plaintiff or his agent shall file at the
time of bringing his action an affidavit setting out distinctly his cause
of action and the sum he claims to be due, exclusive of all set-offs and just
grounds of defense, and shall serve the defendant with copies of his decla-
ration and of said affidavit, he shall be entitled to a judgment for the
amount so claimed, with interest and costs, forty days after such service
unless the defendant shall file a plea which if in bar is accompanied by
an affidavit of defense denying the right of plaintiff as to the whole or
some specified part of his claim specially stating also, in precise and dis-
tinct terms, the ground of his defense, which must be such, as would, if
true, be sufficient to defeat the plaintiff's claim in whole or in part; and
where the defendant shall have acknowledged in his affidavit of defense
his liability for a part of the paintiff's claim as aforesaid, the plaintiff,
if he so elect may have judgment entered in his favor for the amount
so confessed to be due. Any judge of the Circuit Court is hereby author-
ized, either in vacation or term time to enter judgment under this section
where no affidavit of defense is filed and to hear motion for judgment and
to enter judgment thereon where insufficient affidavits are filed.
Notice shall be given at the bottom of the declaration and in the sum-
mons in such cases where the plaintiff intends to claim the benefits of
this section.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 43. 1882, ch. 443. 1900, ch. 671.
70. All books belonging to the library of the Circuit Court for Cal-
vert County shall be securely kept by the Library Committee of the Cir-
cuit Court for said county in a suitable room provided for the purpose,
under the directions of the judges of the court, and not to be allowed to
be taken out of the said room, except by direction of the committee or one
of the judges of the court, when required by them for use or for the use of
the members of the bar.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 44. 1886, ch. 410.
71. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Calvert County is authorized
to adopt and use the Campbell system of indexing; provided, the judges