1458 ARTICLE 5.
said court and the justice before whom the case is brought shall in every
such case inform the person charged of his right to pray a jury trial.
Chesapeake Beach Hotel v. Hull, 121 Md. 645.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 38.
64. The fee in all the streets, alleys, lanes, parks and public grounds,
in the town of Chesapeake Beach, or such portion thereof as at the date
of the passage of this Act may be the property of the Chesapeake Beach
Railway Company, shall be and remain in said company; subject, how-
ever, at all times, for municipal and police purposes, to the control of the
Commissioners of Chesapeake Beach, who may establish, maintain, alter
and repair the same, and make such improvements thereof and thereon
as may from time to time become necessary and as herein provided.*
1908, ch. 594, sec. 1 (p. 672).
65. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, or body corporate,
firm or company to sell or otherwise dispose of by way of barter, directly
or indirectly, any cider made from apple, peach, pear or any other fer-
mented, adulterated or manufactured cider in Calvert County Maryland.
1908, ch. 584, sec. 2 (p. 672).
66. Any person or persons, or body corporate, firm or company, who
shall violate the above section, shall upon conviction before and justice
of the peace, or Circuit Court of Calvert County be fined in the discre-
tion of the justice of the peace or the judge of the Circuit Court, a sum
not exceeding fifty dollars, and in default of the payment of said fine
shall be committed to the county jail for a period not exceeding thirty
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 41. 1868, ch. 439. 1900, ch. 710.
67. There shall be two regular terms of the Circuit Courts for the
several counties, of Calvert, St. Mary's, Prince George's and Charles,
comprising the Seventh Judicial Circuit of this State, to which jurors
shall be summoned, and said terms shall be held at the following times:
For Calvert County, at Prince Frederick, on the first Monday of May
and the second Monday of November in each year; for St. Mary's County,
Leonardtown, on the third Monday of March and September in each year;
for Prince George's County, at Upper Marlboro, on the first Monday of
April and October in each year, and for Charles County, at La Plata,
on the third Monday of May and November in each year.
*Sec. 3, ch. 120, 1900, repealed all laws Inconsistent therewith.