structed such piers, docks, wharves, breakwaters, dykes and other improve-
ments as it may from time to time deem necessary or convenient for the
accommodation of the public for amusement or business purposes, and
to fix such charges and regulations for the use thereof as said company
may deem proper.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 37. 1914, ch. 733. 1918, ch. 418.
63. The manufacturing, selling directly or indirectly, offering or keep-
ing for sale, the solicitation of, receiving of orders for the purchase of,
giving away to minors or giving away at any place of business of, the
advertising of the keeping for sale (billboard, circular or otherwise), the
granting of a license for the sale of any spirituous, fermented, malt, vin-
ous, alcoholic or intoxicating liquors of any kind or any mixture of liquors
containing so much as one-half of one per cent, by volume of alcohol for
beverage purposes within the corporate limits of the town of Chesapeake
Beach, Calvert County, Maryland, is hereby prohibited and any person
or persons, firm, partnership or corporation violating any of the provi-
sions of this Act upon conviction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall be subject for the first offense to a fine of not less than fifty
($50) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars and the cost
of prosecution, or imprisoned in the Maryland House of Correction for
not less than three months nor more than twelve months or both fined
and imprisoned in the discretion of the court trying the same and, upon
the second and each subsequent conviction, shall be subject to a fine of
not less than one hundred ($100) dollars nor more than five hundred
($500) dollars and imprisoned in the Maryland House of Correction for
not less than-six months nor more than eighteen months. All prosecu-
tions for the violation of this Act shall be, either upon presentment or
indictment, or by trial before a justice of the peace for Calvert County
who shall have jurisdiction, original and concurrent, with the Circuit
Court for Calvert County and the said justice of the peace shall have the
power to issue all process and do all acts which may be necessary to the
exercise of his said jurisdiction and may try and determine all cases
whereof he may have jurisdiction and may pronounce judgment and sen-
tence therein in the same manner and to the same extent as the Circuit
Court for Calvert County could do in such cases if such cases were tried
before said court without the intervention of a jury; provided, however,
that if any person when brought before any justice having jurisdiction
of the case shall before trial for the alleged offense pray a jury trial or
if the State's Attorney for said county shall before trial of such alleged
offender pray a jury trial on the part of the State, it shall be the duty
of such justice to commit such alleged offender for trial or to hold him
to bail to appear for trial in the Circuit Court for Calvert County if it
be in session or at its next session if it be not in session and return said
commitment or recognizance with the names and residences of the wit-
nesses for the prosecution endorsed thereon forthwith to the clerk of the