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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1456   View pdf image (33K)
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1456 ARTICLE 5.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 31.

57. The Commissioners shall have full power and authority to estab-
lish in said town of Chesapeake Beach such free school or schools as may
be found necessary, and may pass such ordinances as may be required
for the proper conduct thereof.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 32.

58. The Commissioners shall have full power to construct and keep
in repair all necessary drains and sewers, and to pass such regulations as
may be necessary for the preservation of the same; and may authorize
any person appointed by them to enter upon the lots, grounds and posses-
sions of any person or body politic through which any sewers or drains
may pass, or ought to pass, and construct, regulate, make or repair the
same; and may pass such ordinances as they may deem proper for the pro-
tection of the same, and fix penalties for the violation thereof. The cost
of constructing, opening, enlarging or straightening any sewer in any
street or alley, or through any private property, shall be chargeable to
the property adjacent thereto.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 33.

59. The said Commissioners may grant unto and there is hereby con-
ferred upon the Chesapeake Beach Railway Company the right to estab-
lish or cause to be established such reservoirs, dams, tanks and other
means of storing water as may be necessary to supply said town with water,
and to lay mains, pipes and such other conduits as may be required in
constructing the same, and regulate the charge for water so furnished.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 34.

60. The Commissioners shall have power to grant unto and there is
hereby conferred upon the Chesapeake Beach Railway Company the right
to establish or cause to be established electric lights within the said town
of Chesapeake Beach for the purpose of lighting the streets and parks
thereof, and for the supply of lights to individual property owners, and
to fix the rates therefor; and the Commissioners are authorized to pass
such ordinances as may be necessary for the maintenance and conduct of
such street lights.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 35.

61. The Commissioners shall have power to grant to the Chesapeake
Beach Railway Company the right to construct or cause to be constructed
such bathing houses along the bay shore within said town, as the said com-
pany may fine necessary for the accommodation of the public, and to fix
the charges and regulations governing the same.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 36.

62. The Commissioners shall have full power to grant unto the Chesa-
peake Beach Railway Company the right to construct or cause to be con-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1456   View pdf image (33K)
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