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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1455   View pdf image (33K)
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1900, ch. 120, sec. 26.

52. The Commissioners shall have the power to establish regulations
for the prevention and extinguishment of fires; to appoint firemen, and
organize and equip fire companies, and to fix the penalties for the viola-
tion of any fire regulation, and to fix the compensation of firemen.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 27.

53. The Commissioners shall have the power to pass ordinances to
preserve the health of the said town, and to prevent and remove nuisances;
to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases within the said town,
and within two miles of the same, and may regulate the places for manu-
facturing soap and candles, the erection of slaughter-houses, tanneries,
canning factories and distilleries, and whatever other offensive trade is
carried on. That whenever any nuisance dangerous to the health shall
exist in any street or alley of the said town, and it shall be found neces-
sary in order to remove the same to have such street or alley paved, they
may order the same paved, and assess the amount expended in paving the
same, and the expenses of collection, upon the property fronting thereon,
in proportion to the frontage of said property, or may collect the same
by suit against the owner, and the cost of such pavement, and the col-
lection thereof, shall become a lien upon the property chargeable therewith.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 28.

54. The said Commissioners may erect and establish a jail, houses of
correction, hospitals or pest houses outside of said town, and pass ordi-
nances regulating and governing the same, and may acquire property nec-
essary for the said purposes.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 29.

55. The Commissioners may grant to and there is hereby conferred
upon the Chesapeake Beach Railway Company the right to construct, or
cause to be constructed, street railways along any street or streets in said
town of Chesapeake Beach, and any approach thereto, and to make and
pass such ordinances as may be necessary, governing the construction of
such street railway tracks, and the running of cars thereon by electricity
or other power; and may permit and direct such alteration in the grade
of any street as may be necessary for the more convenient and useful con-
struction of such railways, and the proper conduct of the same, in so far
as the same may relate to the public, and shall fix the fare for a single
trip in any one direction not to exceed five cents per person.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 30.

56. The Commissioners may grant to and there is hereby conferred
upon the Chesapeake Beach Railway Company the right to construct, or
cause to be constructed, within the limits of Chesapeake Beach, a driving
park and race-track, and said Commissioners may enact such ordinances
as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the same.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1455   View pdf image (33K)
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