firing of cannon, guns, pistols, squibs, or any kind of firearms or explo-
sives; to prevent the running at large of all animals; to prevent any im-
moderate riding or driving through the streets with carriage, stage, cart,
wagon, sleigh or other vehicle, or on horseback, so as to endanger the lives,
limbs or property of the citizens, or disturb the quiet use and enjoyment
of the streets or thoroughfares; to prevent indecent exhibitions of every
kind; to regulate the sale of merchandise, including sales of candy, soda
and mineral waters, spirituous and fermented liquors; to preserve order
and secure persons and property from violence, danger or destruction,
and to prevent all kinds of hunting, trapping and fishing within the town
limits, and may impose fines, penalties and forfeitures for the violation
of any of the said ordinances; but no fine or penalty shall be in excess
of the sum of one hundred dollars, and all fines and penalties so imposed
shall be collected as other fines, penalties and forfeitures are collected
under the laws of this State; and in case of default in the payment of
such fines, penalties and forfeitures and the costs attending the imposition
and collection of the same, the offender may be imprisoned in the town
or county jail for a term not exceeding thirty days, in the same manner
as commitments are made for fines imposed by the Circuit Court for the
judicial district in which said town is situated, on conviction for misde-
meanor; but the Commssioners shall have the power to remit or release
said fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs, or any part thereof, at their
discretion; but any party so fined tinder the provisions of this Act may,
within five days after the same be imposed, suppress or stay the same
for thirty days, by giving ample personal security to the officer imposing
the same; and shall have the right to appeal within five days thereafter
to the Circuit Court for Calvert County, and shall have the right, if he
so elects, to a trial by jury upon giving ample security for the payment of
such fine and costs as may be adjudged against him in said Circuit Court.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 14.
40. The said Commissioners shall have full power to make all regu-
lations and ordinances, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws
of the State, as from time to time they may deem necessary or expedient
for the comfort, health, convenience and prosperity of the said town and
its inhabitants; for the prevention, removal or abatement of any nuisance
and preservation of health, suppression of vice and immorality, and gen-
erally to prescribe police regulations within the limits of said town.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 15.
41. The said Commissioners shall have power to pass ordinances re-
quiring all circus or theatrical performances, shows, plays and public
entertainments for which an admission fee is charged, to take out a license
before giving an exhibition in said town, and to fix the cost of said license;
and shall have power to enact ordinances for the regulation of pawn-
brokers, peddlers of nostrums, notions, patents, secret or pretended inven-
tions, and remedies on the streets, alleys or sidewalks of said town; pro-
vided, that the Chesapeake Beach Railway Company and the Chesapeake