1452 ARTICLE 5.
Beach Hotel Company, and either of them, shall have the right to grant-
privileges for all such exhibitions and other forms of amusement for the
entertainment of passengers or guests, free from any license charge what-
soever by said Commissioners.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 16.
42. The Commissioners may provide by ordinance for the immediate
arrest, withou't warrant, of any person violating any town ordinance, when
in the judgment of the Mayor or of any constable or police officer of the
town, the delay incident to the issuing of a warrant would be dangerous
to the peace and quiet of the town, or to the lives, limbs or property of
its inhabitants or others; and if it shall appear that any person is so in-
toxicated as to render it unsafe to permit him to drive or ride through
the streets of said town, shall arrest the offender and provide for the cus-
tody of the horse or horses, vehicle or vehicles, ridden or driven by such
persons, in some place of safety until such offender or offenders shall
become sober; and the said Commissioners shall subject the property so
taken and deposited to the payment of all costs of the proceedings and
the keeping of said property until the same be released according to law.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 17.
43. The bailiff and the other officers of the peace appointed by the-
said Commissioners under the powers conferred by this Act are hereby
vested with the same power and authority as any constable or police officer
may now have under the laws of this State, and shall receive such com-
pensation for his services as the said Commissioners may provide.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 18.
44. The Commissioners shall have the power to levy and collect taxes
in said town, not exceeding in any one year one and one-half cents on the-
dollar, on all assessable property of the said town, on the same basis of
assessment as the said property is now or may hereafter be assessed for
State and county purposes; provided, that all property in said corporate-
limits used only for agricultural purposes shall only be assessed as such
agricultural property, and not as town lots; and the County Commission-
ers of Calvert County, upon the application of said Commissioners of
Chesapeake Beach, are authorized and directed to furnish to the said cor-
poration commissioners a full levy list of all property assessed on their
books within said corporate limits, and the taxes so levied shall be col-
lected for corporation purposes by a tax collector appointed for the pur-
pose by the Commissioners, and his powers and duties shall be the same
as those of tax collectors appointed under the laws of the State of Mary-
land. In default of payment of taxes the said collector is hereby au-
thorized to enforce the collection thereof by sale, in the same manner
as is now provided by law for collection of taxes, and by a good and
sufficient deed or conveyance, to convey such property, real or personal,
as may be by law sold, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof. The