1450 ARTICLE 5.
the ordinances of the Commissioners are duly and faithfully executed,
and shall report to the Board of Commissioners, at their regular meetings,
the general state of affairs of the town, with an accurate account of all
moneys received and expended since the preceding report.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 10.
36. The Commissioners shall meet on the second Monday in May in-
each year, and shall continue in session until such business as may come
before them has been fully disposed of, not exceeding sixty days; pro-
vided, however, that they may, by ordinance or resolution, so arrange their
sittings that the same may be held continuously or otherwise; and provided
further, that the president of the board may convene said Commissioners
in extra session whenever, in his judgment, the public interest may de-
mand it.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 11.
37. The Commissioners may compel the attendance of absent mem-
bers in such manner and under such penalties as they may by ordinance
provide; they shall judge of the election returns, and settle their rules
of procedure, fix their compensation by ordinance, which shall not be in-
creased or diminished during their term, and shall fix the compensation
and fees of all officers appointed by said Board. They shall keep a journal
of their proceedings, and enter the yeas and nays on any question, reso-
lution or ordinance, at the request of any member, and their deliberations
shall be public.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 12.
38. The Commissioners may provide an almshouse, and receive therein
such indigent or distressed persons as in their opinion the dictates of
humanity render proper and necessary. They shall prescribe, provide for
and direct all matters relating to the support, treatment and employment
of all paupers, vagrants and other persons in the almshouse, or any other
place which may be provided, not inconsistent with the laws of this State.
They shall procure and erect and use all such material, machinery and
implements as they may think proper and necessary for any purposes
connected with their duties, or in the exercise of the powers vested in
them. They may compel any of the poor, vagrants or vagabonds and
offenders in said almshouse to work and labor, and shall sell the products
of their labor and apply the proceeds thereof to their maintenance and
1900, ch. 120, sec. 13.
39. The Commissioners shall have the power, by ordinances duly
enacted, to regulate market-houses, and the inspection, measurement and
weight of all provisions, meats, fish, oysters, crabs, grain, wood and coal,
sold or to be consigned in said town; to suppress all disorderly meetings;
to prohibit the use of profane, indecent, seditious or riotous language,
drunkenness, fighting and disorderly conduct; to regulate or prevent the