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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1449   View pdf image (33K)
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on election days; and the judges shall, within three days after each elec-
tion, notify the persons who shall have received the greatest number of
legal votes of their election as Commissioners, and shall make a return of
such election, and shall deposit their polls as directed by the ordinance of
said Board of Commissioners; and the seven persons who shall respectively
receive the highest number of legal votes cast shall be the Commissioners
of the town for the ensuing year, and until their successors are duly elected
and qualified. Elections held in said town shall not be required to be
conducted in conformity to the requirements of Chapter 538 of the Acts
of 1890, or any amendments thereto.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 5.

31. All male inhabitants of said town, citizens of the United States
and twenty-one years of age or over, who shall have resided in said town
for six months next preceding any election at which they shall offer to
vote, shall be entitled to vote for Commissioners of said town, and male
inhabitants of said town who shall own real estate therein of the value
of five hundred dollars shall be eligible for election as a Commissioner
of Chesapeake Beach.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 6.

32. If it shall happen that any of the persons voted for and duly
elected shall from any cause fail to qualify, then, and in that case, the
person receiving the next highest number of votes shall be deemed to have
been elected, and shall be so informed by the judges of election, and shall
thereupon be entitled to qualify as one of said Commissioners.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 7.

33. In case of death or resignation of any Commissioner the remain-
ing Commissioners, not less than a quorum, shall choose some other duly
qualified inhabitant as Commissioner to fill the unexpired term.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 8.

34. The Commissioners now in office shall do and perform all things
required or allowed to be done by this Act; and they are hereby invested
with all the power, and are required to perform all the duties authorized
or required to be done by the Commissioners of said town under this Act,
and shall continue in office until the first election under this Act, and their
successors are elected and qualified.

1900, ch. 120, sec. 9.

35. The president of the said Board of Commissioners, by virtue of
his office and as Mayor of said town, shall be and ho is hereby endowed
with all the jurisdiction and power of a justice of the peace, except as
to the recovery of debts, and may call upon any officer of said town en-
trusted with the receipt and expenditures of public money for a statement
of his accounts as often as he may think necessary. He shall see that all


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1449   View pdf image (33K)
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