1448 ARTICLE 5.
and twelve poles; thence due east three hundred and twenty poles; thence
due south nine hundred and sixty poles; thence due east to the Chesapeake
Bay; thence north along the shore of Chesapeake Bay to the place of
1900, ch. 120, sec. 3.
29. The Commissioners of Chesapeake Beach shall be seven in num-
ber, and shall elect on the first Monday in May of each year, and until
the first Monday in May, 1900, the Commissioners now in office shall
continue to act as such, with all the powers, obligations and duties con-
ferred or imposed upon Commissioners of Chesapeake Beach by this Act.
Any four of said Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the trans-
action of business. The Commissioners shall meet on the second Monday
in May of each year, and take the oath of office to support and maintain
the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Mary-
land, and to perform the duties of their offices as Commissioners to the
best of their ability, without fear, favor, affection or partiality. They
shall thereupon elect one of their own number as their presiding officer,
who shall also act as the executive officer of the Commissioners and Mayor
of the town of Chesapeake Beach. The Commissioners shall also elect,
not necessarily from among their own number, a secretary and treasurer,
who shall continue in office during the term for which said Commission-
ers shall have been elected, unless sooner removed for cause by said Com-
missioners, and said Commissioners shall require of the person elected as
treasurer a bond in a penalty to be by them fixed, conditioned for the
faithful discharge of his duties as such treasurer, and shall also appoint
a bailiff and a collector, of taxes, and such other officers as may be found
to be necessary. In case of the absence of the presiding officer from any
meeting of said Commissioners, they may choose from among their num-
ber present a chairman pro tempore, who shall preside at such meeting.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 4.
30. The Commissioners of Chesapeake Beach shall, twenty days prior
to the first Monday in May in each year, give notice of the time and
place of holding the election for Commissioners of said town by posting
printed notices in three of the most public places in said town, or by pub-
lication in a newspaper, if there be any published in said town, for three
consecutive weeks; and at same meeting of the Commissioners prior to
the first Monday in May in each year, they shall appoint three citizens
of the said town of Chesapeake Beach to act as judges of the election,
who, before acting as such, shall take the general oath prescribed by Sec-
tion 6 of Article 1 of the Constitution of Maryland, and shall qualify in
the manner prescribed for judges of State and county elections in this
State; and the judges so appointed shall appoint two competent persons
to act as clerks, who shall qualify as provided for clerks of election by
Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, and shall
perform their duties in the same manner as is therein prescribed. The
polls shall be opened at nine o'clock A. M., and close at six o'clock P. M.