P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 38. 1876, ch. 379.
23. The County Commissioners of Calvert, Anne Arundel and Prince
George's Counties, are authorized, whenever in their judgment public
interest requires it, to provide free travel over the Patuxent River, at
or near Hill's Bridge.
P. L. L., 1888. Art. 5, sec. 39. 1876, ch. 379.
24. When, in the judgment of said County Commissioners, public in-
terest shall require said provision, they may negotiate with the owner of
Hill's Bridge, and purchase and maintain the same as a public highway
free of toll; provided, the price demanded be not a greater sum than it
would take to build a new bridge near the site of the present one.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 40. 1876, ch. 379.
25. In the event of the purchase or building of a bridge, the cost of
the structure shall be divided between Calvert, Anne Arundel and Prince
George's Counties, in the following proportion, that is to say: Calvert
shall bear one-fifth of the cost, Anne Arundel, two fifths, and Prince
George's two-fifths.
1906, ch. 68.
26. The County Commissioners of Calvert County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to construct a bridge to connect Solomon's Island
with the mainland.*
1894, ch. 245, sec. 1. 1900, ch. 120, sec. 1.
27. The inhabitants of Chesapeake Beach, in Calvert County, Mary-
land, are hereby incorporated and created a corporation under the name
and style of "The Commissioners of Chesapeake Beach," and by that name
shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
in any court of law or equity whatsoever; may purchase and hold real,
personal and mixed property, and may sell and convey the same for the
benefit of said town, and may have and use a common seal, and the same
alter at pleasure.
1900, ch. 120, sec. 2.
28. The boundary limits of said town of Chesapeake Beach shall be
as follows: Beginning at a point thirty-two hundred and fifty feet north
of the mouth of Fishing Creek, and running thence due west three hun-
dred and twelve poles; thence south three hundred and twelve poles;
thence west one hundred and fifty-six poles; thence south three hundred
*The other sections of ch. 68, 1906, authorized a loan of $3,000 for building the
bridge and the levying of taxes to pay interest on and to redeem the bonds.