minor privilege charge, any franchise or minor privileges which may be
applied for to lay enlarged or additional pipes through any of the public
highways within the limits of Baltimore City, as established by this Act,
which may be necessary for supplying customers outside of said limits.
any company or corporation owning or operating any sewage disposal
plant and sewer pipes connected therewith within the territory annexed
by this Act to Baltimore City, shall he entitled to continue such service
until such time as the Baltimore City Sewerage System may be extended
into the territory, or any part thereof, occupied by such company or cor-
poration. Before extending the Baltimore City Sewerage System into
any such territory, the City shall acquire, either by purchase or condem-
nation, the property of the said company or corporation having such sew-
age disposal plant and sewer pipes connected therewith in the territory
into which the said Baltimore City Sewerage System may be extended.
But no sewerage system, other than the Baltimore City Sewerage System,
shall be extended into any territory not occupied by it at the time of the
passage of this Act, within the limits of Baltimore City as fixed by this
Act, without the consent of the Board of Estimates of Baltimore City.
The Board of Estimates shall grant such privilege, when applied for,
under the same conditions and upon the same terms as are hereinabove
stated with regard to Water Companies. The territory occupied by
any water company or sewerage company, shall be construed to mean
all the territory which is reasonably near to any supply pipe of such com-
pany, and which may be considered naturally tributary thereto. "Supply
pipe" shall mean any water pipe or sewer pipe other than house connec-
tions. Full power and authority is hereby given to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, any water
works, water pipes, sewage disposal plant, sewers and any other property
of any kind situate within the territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore
City, which may be needed for any public purpose. In any such purchase
or condemnation, compensation for the property taken shall be considered
to include the value of the property taken and such damages, if any as
the owners thereof may suffer, by reason of.such taking. Nothing herein
shall be construed to impose any obligation upon the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to piirchase any private drains or sewers which may
have' been constructed in any portion of the territory annexed by this-Act
to Baltimore City prior to the passage of> this Act, and which are not
connected with any sewage disposal plant. Nothing in this Act shall be
taken or construed as affecting the right of any company or corporation
owning or operating a water or sewerage system in the territory annexed
to Baltimore City by this Act to make any improvements, or construct,
maintain, lay or operate any additional pipes or appurtenances in, under
or upon private rights of way or upon private property; but this provision
shall not limit the right of purchase or condemnation hereinabove given
to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. Nothing in this Act shall
be construed to give authority to furnish water or to operate a sewerage
plant or system in any portion of the, territory annexed by this Act to