1344 ARTICLE 4.
any provision in the charters of said companies which prohibits the erec-
tion of a toll-gate within one mile of Baltimore City operate to require
the removal of any toll-gates which are now located within the territory
proposed to be annexed by this Act.
Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That if any portion of the terri-
tory mentioned in this Act shall be annexed to the City of Baltimore, the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore) are hereby authorized to increase
the number of the judges of the Appeal Tax Court to such number as in
its judgment will be adequate for the proper discharge of the duties of
said Court.
Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That the county taxes levied for
the year 1888 upon persons and property within such portions of the
territory as under the provisions of this Act shall become a part of Bal-
timore City shall be collected by the Treasurer of Baltimore County in
all respects as if this Act had not been, passed; but one-half of said taxes
so collected shall be paid to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
and the said Treasurer is hereby authorized to employ such additional
assistance as shall be needed to enable him to comply with the provisions,
of this section, the amount to be paid therefor to be determined by the
Mayor and to be paid by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That if the territory described
in the first section of this Act shall, under its provisions, become a part of
Baltimore City, the Board of Police Commissioners for the City of Balti-
more are hereby authorized to appoint, enroll, arm and equip thirty (30)
policemen in addition to the number they are now authorized to appoint;
and if the territory described in the second section of this Act shall, under
its provisions, become ai part of Baltimore City, the Board of Police
Commissioners for the City of Baltimore are hereby authorized to appoint,
enroll, arm and equip fifteen (15) policemen in addition to the number
they are now authorized to appoint; and if the territory described in the
third section of this Act shall, under its provisions, become a part of
Baltimore City, the Board of Police Commissioners for the City of Balti-
more are hereby authorized to appoint, enroll, arm and equip fifteen (15)
policemen in addition to the number they are now authorized to appoint;
and the said Board of Police Commissioners are hereby authorized and!
directed to divide such of said territory as shall become a part of Balti-
more City into as many police districts as they shall think best, and to
appoint for each police district the same officers as they are now by law
authorized to appoint for each police district in the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That before the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall lay any water pipes along any street, road,
lane or avenue in the territory mentioned in the second section of this
Act, upon which the Catonsville Water Company has laid its pipes and