other water appliances, the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
shall, if said company desires to surrender said pipes and water appliances
in such street, road, lane or avenue to the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, pay to the said company the fair value of its water pipes and
other water appliances constructed in said street, lane, road or avenue,
and such actual damages to the said company as shall be caused by the
acquisition of said pipes and appliances by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore; and the amounts so to be paid, if the said company and
the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore cannot agree in reference
thereto, shall be ascertained by a majority of a board of three (3) arbi-
trators, one to be appointed by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
and one by said company; and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall
appoint the third arbitrator; and if they cannot agree upon such third
arbitrator, the latter shall be appointed by the Governor of the State.
Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That all school teachers who shall
be connected with the public schools in such parts of the territory de-
scribed in this Act as shall be annexed under its provisions to Baltimore
City, shall be allowed to retain their respective positions for the scholastic
year beginning September, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight; and such
teachers shall be deemed qualified and continue eligible without further
examination to occupy positions as teachers in the public schools in the
same manner as if they had complied with the examination now required
for teachers in the public schools of Baltimore City.
Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That the bridges which the County
Commissioners have heretofore agreed to build within the limits of the
territory which may become annexed to Baltimore City shall be com-
pleted by the City of Baltimore; and all bridges within the limits of the
territory which may become annexed to Baltimore City by virtue of this
Act shall be maintained and kept in repair for public travel at the expense
of Baltimore City; and if the territory described in either the first, second
or third sections of this Act shall, under its provisions, be annexed to the
City of Baltimore, then, and in that event, all bridges crossing the Pa-
tapsco River from said city, including the bridge known as the "Long"
or Light Street bridge, shall be maintained and kept in repair for public
travel at the sole expense of the said City of Baltimore, and all acts or
parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
Sec. 28. And be it further enacfed, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 14, 1888.
At the election authorized by the above Act, the Northern and Western Annexes
became a part of the city. Annexation of the Eastern section was defeated by a
vote of 485 against, to 317 for annexation.