to taxation in said territory, whether owned by persons, corporations or
otherwise, and upon which taxes would be paid to Baltimore County if
said territory should not be annexed to the said city, shall at no time
exceed the present tax rate of Baltimore County; and, until the year
nineteen hundred, there shall not be for the purposes of city taxation any
increase in the present assessment of such property as is now assessed;
and all property in the said territory which is not now assessed, but which
may be within the same period liable to assessment, shall be assessed at
the same rate as similar property is now assessed in said territory; and
during the said period up to the year nineteen hundred, the City of Bal-
timore shall expend within said territory an amount at least equal to the
amount of revenue derived from taxation on the basis herein set forth
from the said territory, in affording to the residents within said territory
the rights and privileges accorded to and enjoyed by the residents within
what are the present limits of said city; but nothing in this Act shall be
,so construed as to require the expenditure by said city of any greater sum;
from and after the year 1900 the property, real and personal, in the ter-
ritory so annexed, shall be liable to taxation and assessment, therefor, in
the same manner and form as similar property within the present limits
of said city may be liable; provided, however, that after the year 1900
the present Baltimore County rate of taxation shall not be increased for
city purposes on any landed property within the said territory until ave-
nues, streets or alleys, shall have been opened and constructed through
the same, nor until there shall be upon every block of ground so to be
formed at least six (6) dwelling or store-houses ready for occupation.
This section of the Annexation Act of 1888 has been repealed by other legislation
affecting taxation in the Annex, the last being in 1927. See sec. 4, art. 4, P. L. L..
Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That if any portion of the terri-
tory, described in this Act shall, under its provisions, become annexed
to Baltimore City, the County Commissioners of Baltimore County are
hereby directed in lieu of such places for holding elections in Baltimore
County as are now fixed by law, which are situated within the territory
so annexed, to fix other places for the holding of said elections outside of
the territory so annexed, and if the annexation of any territory which
shall be annexed under the provisions of this Act shall leave a part of
any election precinct of Baltimore County still within the lines of said
county and a part within the annexed territory, then the part so left
within the lines of Baltimore County shall constitute the same election
precinct of Baltimore County as the whole now constitutes, until the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall make other provisions
in relation thereto.
Sec. 21. And be it further enacted. That nothing in this Act shall
affect the right of any turnpike or toll-road company heretofore chartered
by this State from collecting tolls upon such parts of their roads as shall
under this Act be brought within the limits of Baltimore City; nor shall